If there's genocide, don't hold your breath waiting for European help

  • Thread starter Republican Party Reptile
  • Start date
Dont bother...hes too big of a donkeydick and too high on his f***in horse to realize anything other than his own f***ing words. Thanks for setting him straight though. Maybe now he'll "get it"???? we can only hope.
Re: Isnt this similar to the accusations you made about us DD?

> Didnt you say most americans have poor grammar?????? whats the matter,you
> can dish it out but you cant take it??????? nothin pisses me off more than
> someone who's phoney. It's ok when it's something you say or you believe
> in,but as soon as it goes against your way of thinking,it's wrong or a
> crime???? f*** YOU!!!!!!
(clapping furiously) Amen Josh, it's the whole republican way of thinking. Dive into the nearest foxhole while your buddy is getting shredded to pieces. And f*** YOU to Anita Bryant. ( she used to do commercials in the early 70's for Orange Juice, but now she's just as bad as Pat Robertson, Asscroft, and Bush. Oh, and Oral Roberts university who has pink and blue sidewalks for the girls and blue for the boys oh wait, that's some other christian freak. But Oral does have an 800 ft/ Jesus sculpture there. Thats where he goes and prays.
Re: What's there to "get"?? did you or did you not make that claim?????

Yes it IS true, because like I said most people can't grasp grammar in any counry. I was just winding Americans up. Why can you not see that?
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