An invitation to all who care to join


Morrissey Smith

Hello there, my name is Morrissey Smith, not my real, but a clever alias. I am inviting all who care to join my club to do so. I just have this unimaginable passion for Morrissey, and i love meeting people whom share this interest. All i ask is that you at least give it a look. I would be forever in your debt.

So we go inside and we gravely read the stones, all those people, all those lives, where are they now? With loves and hates and passions just like mine. They were born and then they lived and then they died. Seems so unfair, i want to cry.

Nobody loves us.... the swingingest moz club around
Enough is enough (Don't bother, no message)

Enough is enough
You're well with your rights but there's just a few points

A number of points:

1-Lower case typing is not "cool" or "rebellious". It just looks bad.
2-Question marks [?] should follow questions.
3-"right" not "rite".
4-"messages" not "messeges".
5-"necessary" not "nessesary".

Wait for all your fans to come out of the closet and defend you against my pedantic comments.

Best wishes

Heather, Heather and Heather

> i'm sorry if i bother you, but who asked you anyway. I am well
> within my rite to post any messeges i feel nessesary to. So
> please, if i bother you, just ignore me.

> Morrissey Smith
You're well within your rights but there's just a few points

A number of points:

1-Lower case typing is not "cool" or "rebellious". It just looks bad.
2-Question marks [?] should follow questions.
3-"right" not "rite".
4-"messages" not "messeges".
5-"necessary" not "nessesary".

Wait for all your fans to come out of the closet and defend you against my pedantic comments.

Best wishes

Heather, Heather and Heather

> i'm sorry if i bother you, but who asked you anyway. I am well
> within my rite to post any messeges i feel nessesary to. So
> please, if i bother you, just ignore me.

> Morrissey Smith
Re: You're well within your rights but there's just a few points

Well, hello Heather
are you that important as to put your name thrice?
What was i thinking? You are so rite. The fate of the world depends on my spelling. I only hope we can overcome this one. It will take a lot of work, with all the destruction it caused and all. An old saying comes to mind, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all." i think that applies here, no? Well, as the other, i wasn't addressing you. I can see that not all Moz fans have such a loving heart as he. I was simply speaking to the people who would be interested in joining my club. Well, take care.

Fight for rite, everyone's oh so quick with advice

Morrissey Smith

Nobody loves us.... the swingingest moz club around
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