How are you any better than Ed Gein....


New Member
...if you eat dismembered body-parts of an animal, wash your hair with their cooked bones, wear their skin as your clothing, accessories etc?

My god, carnivores disgust me. My mother is buying meat to serve to her friends tonight. Apparently, "it's embarrassing to serve people vegetarian meals" when they come over. f***ing mental. The fact that something dead will be brought to the house that I'm staying at makes me want to puke, or wear my funeral attire. I'll probably burry the poor decomposing piece of flesh in the backyard while they're watching TV...that should make enough of a statement.
ok my answer before I read your meat is murder comments was, em cause I have not kidnapped, abused and desecrated women... now well its still the same i think.

actually, he only killed one (I know, it's not like it justifies his actions..) other ones were dug up from a local cemetery, with the help of his equally deranged buddy...the thing that made him so psycho was that he used human skin/flesh/bones to decorate his house, and he used it to make useful every-day utensils. Apparently, many people find this "dispicable" as they lounge in their all-leather chairs wearing their chinchilla fur coats, feasting on Jello from an ivory spoon....
actually, he only killed one (I know, it's not like it justifies his actions..) other ones were dug up from a local cemetery, with the help of his equally deranged buddy...the thing that made him so psycho was that he used human skin/flesh/bones to decorate his house, and he used it to make useful every-day utensils. Apparently, many people find this "dispicable" as they lounge in their all-leather chairs wearing their chinchilla fur coats, feasting on Jello from an ivory spoon....

I know what your saying but ewwww just ewww all round.
This is a great way to inspire people to become vegetarians.
This is a great way to inspire people to become vegetarians.

Hope that is not a sarcastic remark. If not, thank you. I only speak the truth.
Sorry folks but I f***ING LOVE MEAT!

If our ancestors hadn't ate meat would we be here, talking about it on the internet site of a middle aged pop star?
to the guy up there
double blah
i don't know about your ancestors
but mine were all equipped with herbivore teeth. did yours have extended molars and claws? if so, i guess then they really did need meat for survival.
We are omnivorous creatures. Not Herbivores. Your only argument is a moral one.

Humans are an omnivorous species due to their physiological adaptations to eating a varied diet of vegetation and meat. As with all omnivorous species they are capable of sustaining themselves with diets of just meat or vegetables but both must be carefully managed to avoid health problems (notably anemia with vegetarians and heart disease with those who eat diets made up mostly of meat). The digestive system and dentition of Homo sapiens serve as a prime example of omnivorous adaptations.
yeah, me & ed gein same thing :mad:
wel duchess, i hereby dub thee
'the veggie troll' :eek:
what is meant by this you shall come to know in the fullness of time
enjoy :o
I do enjoy lettuce, salad etc now and again................IN BETWEEN A SLAB OF A BURGER AND A BUN!

Meat Is Magic!:)
I do enjoy lettuce, salad etc now and again................IN BETWEEN A SLAB OF A BURGER AND A BUN!

Meat Is Magic!:)

:D Tee sure is...
We are omnivorous creatures. Not Herbivores. Your only argument is a moral one.

The thing is that humans are mostly meant to be herbivores. Just because we can process and digest meat doesn't meant that we should eat it. Our anatomy made us to be herbivores. If we were intended to eat meat, we'd be equipped with body parts that allow us to hunt and kill our prey without using utensils not found on our bodies.
We are made to eat meat, and it is healthy in small amounts. Sure, people are raised on diets of way too much fatty red-meats, which is why meat is marketed as being part of every meal every night. Really, its not a huge part of our normal diet. But it still is good to eat chicken, fish, etc. very often.

Although in regions of the planet that have cold winters, it is (was) a huge part of the human diet. You couldn't survive a cold winter in the wild without eating meat.
We don't have to hunt for meat.......RONALD MCDONALD DOES IT FOR US!

you could express your sick beliefs by typing normal letters, you know? otherwise you show too much insecurity.
i would just like to applaud duchess_of_fork(the veggie troll) for insulting the many omnivores that come to this site
no doubt her posts on the topic of meating eating and serial killers have only '@ best' encouraged more carnivorous behavior in many
well done veggie troll
well done

my, it must make you proud to work to the exact opposite of your supposed goal :rolleyes:
Comparing all carnivores to Ed Gein is just plain silly and you did it for shock value, so I'm not going to bother addressing that. As a longtime vegan I thank you for perpetuating the Hysterical Vegan Myth. But:

American Heritage Dictionary:
Deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it. See Synonyms at pity.

If you have compassion for animals, why not also for humans, including the members of your own family? They might then be more respectful of your beliefs.
you could express your sick beliefs by typing normal letters, you know? otherwise you show too much insecurity.


I'm just having a laugh really. I am completely fine with your vegetarianism (although I'd respect you more if you were a vegan. Those guys have balls). However, I don't see what gives you the right to demand that everyone follows your choice of lifestyle. I would be a veggie if the grub tasted as good as meat! ( I was soooo gonna do massive text size again but na, trying to be serious!)

I was actually watching Richard Dawkin's documentary 'The Root of All Evil?', which looks at the effects of organised religion earlier......see any parallels?
Comparing all carnivores to Ed Gein is just plain silly and you did it for shock value, so I'm not going to bother addressing that. As a longtime vegan I thank you for perpetuating the Hysterical Vegan Myth. But:

American Heritage Dictionary:
Deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it. See Synonyms at pity.

If you have compassion for animals, why not also for humans, including the members of your own family? They might then be more respectful of your beliefs.

damn you Busy Clippers & your wise posts! :eek:
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