
Welcome to the site. I'm fairly new myself, but have found that since joining I've spent at least half an hour a day on here - be very careful, it's quite addictive being near other Morrissey/Smiths admirers. You can loose all sense of a normal life!

Not that I ever had that to begin with - see you around.
Welcome to the site. I'm fairly new myself, but have found that since joining I've spent at least half an hour a day on here - be very careful, it's quite addictive being near other Morrissey/Smiths admirers. You can loose all sense of a normal life!

Not that I ever had that to begin with - see you around.

Half an hour? lol. I spend about an hour on here when i go on, but that's nothing compared to other forums i'm a member of.

Anyway, welcome on board. Remember that i always talk bollocks and you'll be ok!
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