Has anyone sold there signed YoR LP

The first one sold on ebay was from Milwaukee. Number 20 something and went for just over $200.

I thought about selling my #1 & #2 from Bowery Ballroom and posted here - got one offer of $50.

For whatever that's worth...

That is because you came on here making fun of people queuing and saying you're just gonna push your way to the front. And then after the gig, you came on here bragging about getting the #1 and 2 records. So, I'd hope, no one on here is willing to give you more than the face value of those records.
Re: Has anyone sold there signed YoR LP - Glasgow one now up!

Ok, my Glasgow one is on eBay or at least it will be from 8.30 tonight (uk time) -

the details are

Rare Morrissey signed and numbered Years of Refusal LP
Glasgow Barrowlands. 6 out of 20. Friday 8 May 09

Item number: 150353797549
Item location: Dumfriesshire, United Kingdom
Post to: Worldwide

If you would like to bid please do - if not, don't!

Hopefully it will go some way to paying off the debts for May dates and fund some of the ones later in the year!

dc, uk
I have brought the auction forward by an hour - it will now start and end at 7.30pm - not quite what Morrissey did when he played Wembley in 1991 (he brought his time forward from 9.15 to 8.45 pm!)


I'm intrigued - why do you hate the idea? Surely they have already been sold once for a profit?

I'm not being funny either - nor am i a politician fiddling the expenses - i am simply baffled by such a sweeping and sad statement.

I appreciate it but not fully get it

its not a sweeping statement its a personal statement , my reasoning is that people who wanted to get these to keep as a momento couldnt get them due to others buying them up to sell ... i see it as someone making money on the back of a fan which i personally dont like
I tried to nick it with $100 bid, but they wouldn't play.
HMMMMM as I was third in line on this night I know that someone behind me bought several copies this night. I urge people not to bid on this item as this person bought 5+ copies, I know I was there and made my feelings clear to this person!

I heard that the 1 per person rule was not enforced in Manchester and it's a pity to see "fans" happy to rip off other fans. £150...and the seller says they're "selling very reluctantly"? Oh, please. :mad:
If I rember correctly the person directly behind me (I was third in line) bought 6 copies. As I got number five and this person is selling number 7 it MUST be the person who bought 6 copies.
It's been removed now.

Could be because of a poor description - the sticker said 23rd, the description said 22nd. Or they could have reached an agreement outside of ebay.

I missed out on both nights - on 22nd my partner just missed out when the guillotine dropped at 20 - she was about 5th in the queue, but selfish people buying multiple copies spoiled it. Second night there was no way - there were loads of people milling around and more than 20 queueing.

Still not got one :(

It's been removed now.

Could be because of a poor description - the sticker said 23rd, the description said 22nd.

So does that mean that the seller did this for two shows? :eek::eek::eek:

Dave, I'm sorry you didn't get one it is a shame that the in-house merch people seem to have made up their own rules.
At the Manchester 22nd gig the guy queueing in front of me bought 5 :eek::eek:, another one bought 4. If I remember correctly I was fourth in line and managed to get # 12 :). I guess I was VERY lucky.
I remember that guy buying 5, claiming they were for his friends at the front. obnoxious little american if i recall. :mad:
and no, moderators, me pointing out his nationality isnt cause for concern, i just remember his accent. I wholeheartedly understand anyone from anywhere can be just as obnoxious ;)
i hate the idea someone would sell these for profit

Yeah it's lame alright. I ain't selling mine. Funny when I bought mine after the Prague gig no one seemed to be very interested in them. BY the time most people had left the theatre there were still at least 13 or so there. A ahem.. person with a lot of money could've bought em all and made a lot off them on ebay I guess.
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Yeah it's lame alright. I ain't selling mine. Funny when I bought mine after the Prague gig no one seemed to be very interested in them. BY the time most people had left the theatre there were still at least 13 or so there. A ahem.. person with a lot of money could've bought em all and made a lot off them on ebay I guess.

It could have paid for your trip to Prague... :)

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