Fear and Loathing in Moz-Solo



Hackers? Fraud? Imposters? Censorship?
It's not that bad, is it?
And do we really care, anyway? Yeh, I know. Tell me to shut up.
Re: Nope not really.....

Yep. Just as I thought.
So much angst, so little time. If only, I could actually come
in here and complain about my real life problems how therapeutic it would be. But no, instead I have to come in and see a whole lot of crap and whingeing.
I mean, really the computer and the internet are supposed to be fun.
Morrissey is supposed to be fun.
Even if in a discreet way.
Think I'm totally off topic. Aww shucks, I'm clutching at straws again.
I need something to really get my teeth into. Something chunky, like
Re: Nope not really.....

most people on here are very childish!!!!

and boring!!!
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