Excited about anything in the near future you'd care to share?

realitybites said:
Wow, you are in Arizona as well. Cool! My Mom is flying out from Florida for a week. We are also going to the Grand Canyon. I'm not seeing the Buzzcocks but I'm going to Las Vegas on July 6th to see Pearl Jam.

We are flying with Red Rock Balloons. I'll be sure to let you know how it was. Most likely, I will write about it in my Solo journal (same name: realitybites). :p

Thank for that, i'll look up that company and set a date for going this summer. Have a good time! Have you been to Antelope Canyon? Another fantastic place to take visitors...
have converted my garage into an art studio for my best friends. so looking forward to those results.

not looking forward to going back to work...i left to go to uni. now 4 years later, i have to return to the suckfest. poo.
MrRoboto said:
Thank for that, i'll look up that company and set a date for going this summer. Have a good time! Have you been to Antelope Canyon? Another fantastic place to take visitors...

Wow, that place looks great. We are planning on heading to Lake Powell in the next few weeks. That would be a great place to explore while there. Thanks for the info.
Mmmmmm said:
Applied for transfers from my current place of work (50 minutes away) to two other sites about 5 minutes away. Should know by Tuesday or Wednesday.

I just got my first choice!

Dear God, what have I done! There will now be 10 times the pressure to perform. On the other hand, its exciting and new and challenging and a much needed change after 11 years.

According to this guy we are due to impact with an asteroid on Friday the 13th of April, 2029. It could miss us but if it enters the "key" zone, a 600 kilometre area, the Earth's orbit will affect it's trajectory so that it will in fact smash into us in 2036.

If you are interested in these types of things you'll know that this doesn't matter anyway. We are due for "the singularity" on Dec 21, 2012. Fasten your seatbelts kids! ;)
Belligerent Ghoul said:
"It is now sixteen or seventeen years since I saw the queen of France, then the dauphiness, at Versailles; and surely never lighted on this orb, which she hardly seemed to touch, a more delightful vision. I saw her just above the horizon, decorating and cheering the elevated sphere she had just begun to move in, glittering like the morning star full of life and splendor and joy. 0, what a revolution! and what a heart must I have, to contemplate without emotion that elevation and that fall! Little did I dream, when she added titles of veneration to those of enthusiastic, distant, respectful love, that she should ever be obliged to carry the sharp antidote against disgrace concealed in that bosom; little did I dream that I should have lived to see such disasters fallen upon her, in a nation of gallant men, in a nation of men of honor, and of cavaliers! I thought ten thousand swords must have leaped from their scabbards, to avenge even a look that threatened her with insult.

But the age of chivalry is gone; that of sophisters, economists, and calculators has succeeded, and the glory of Europe is extinguished forever. Never, never more, shall we behold that generous loyalty to rank and sex, that proud submission, that dignified obedience, that subordination of the heart, which kept alive, even in servitude itself, the spirit of an exalted freedom! The unbought grace of life, the cheap defense of nations, the nurse of manly sentiment and heroic enterprise is gone. It is gone, that sensibility of principle, that chastity of honor, which felt a stain like a wound, which inspired courage whilst it mitigated ferocity, which ennobled whatever it touched, and under which vice itself lost half its evil, by losing all its grossness."

Edmund Burke - 1793
realitybites said:
Wow, that place looks great. We are planning on heading to Lake Powell in the next few weeks. That would be a great place to explore while there. Thanks for the info.

oh, its FANTASTIC. I would recommend seeing Lower Antelope Canyon (there is also an "Upper") if you are okay with enclosed areas and climbing down ladders and such. Its a bit less easy to traverse through than the Upper, but I think its definetly worth the trouble.

Also, visit Horseshoe canyon while you are there -- seeing it from above is an amazing site, espeically because there are no guard rails to keep you from falling over. (so be careful of little ones).

have fun!;)
Codreanu said:
"It is now sixteen or seventeen years since I saw the queen of France, then the dauphiness, at Versailles; and surely never lighted on this orb, which she hardly seemed to touch, a more delightful vision. I saw her just above the horizon, decorating and cheering the elevated sphere she had just begun to move in, glittering like the morning star full of life and splendor and joy. 0, what a revolution! and what a heart must I have, to contemplate without emotion that elevation and that fall! Little did I dream, when she added titles of veneration to those of enthusiastic, distant, respectful love, that she should ever be obliged to carry the sharp antidote against disgrace concealed in that bosom; little did I dream that I should have lived to see such disasters fallen upon her, in a nation of gallant men, in a nation of men of honor, and of cavaliers! I thought ten thousand swords must have leaped from their scabbards, to avenge even a look that threatened her with insult.

But the age of chivalry is gone; that of sophisters, economists, and calculators has succeeded, and the glory of Europe is extinguished forever. Never, never more, shall we behold that generous loyalty to rank and sex, that proud submission, that dignified obedience, that subordination of the heart, which kept alive, even in servitude itself, the spirit of an exalted freedom! The unbought grace of life, the cheap defense of nations, the nurse of manly sentiment and heroic enterprise is gone. It is gone, that sensibility of principle, that chastity of honor, which felt a stain like a wound, which inspired courage whilst it mitigated ferocity, which ennobled whatever it touched, and under which vice itself lost half its evil, by losing all its grossness."

Edmund Burke - 1793

Cheers Cod. Very well written.


p.s. the age of chivalry is gone
sadness only i'm afraid.
my cat died last friday from horrendous cancer.
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