Don't stand so close to me. No, I mean it, Don't!!



Here's Morrissey meeting & greeting the cast of 'The Rocky Horror Show', at Batley Variety Club in the early 80's.

One of these people was later discovered to be The Devil.

My money's on that weird looking girl on the end with the red eyes.

> Here's Morrissey meeting & greeting the cast of 'The Rocky Horror
> Show', at Batley Variety Club in the early 80's.

> One of these people was later discovered to be The Devil.

> My money's on that weird looking girl on the end with the red eyes.

what a bunch of freaks ,apart from the handsome bequiffed hotty in the middle ,do you think he's single?
> what a bunch of freaks ,apart from the handsome bequiffed hotty in the
> middle ,do you think he's single?
Awww, I love when he makes that bashful face, so handsome! single, I wish. I think he plays for the other team. Or maybe he IS bi, I dunno, and I don't care. As long as he's happy.
> Here's Morrissey meeting & greeting the cast of 'The Rocky Horror
> Show', at Batley Variety Club in the early 80's.

> One of these people was later discovered to be The Devil.

> My money's on that weird looking girl on the end with the red eyes.

Freeyourself, please sign up for a comedy show!
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