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Republican Party Reptile

In Kerry's spin about his vote to authorize the war, he claimed that before voting he met with all of the members of the Security Council to find out how serious they were about holding Saddam accountable. The WAshington Times has found out that this is a lie invented out of whole cloth. So typical of Kerry, yes, and I think devastating to his entire justification for his flip-flops.

This is the story of the week, and although the pro-Kerry media will no doubt try and bury it, but if I were a swing voter this would swing me to Bush. A big fat f***ing lie on a huge issue. Read it and weep.
> In Kerry's spin about his vote to authorize the war, he claimed that
> before voting he met with all of the members of the Security Council to
> find out how serious they were about holding Saddam accountable. The
> WAshington Times has found out that this is a lie invented out of whole
> cloth. So typical of Kerry, yes, and I think devastating to his entire
> justification for his flip-flops.

> This is the story of the week, and although the pro-Kerry media will no
> doubt try and bury it, but if I were a swing voter this would swing me to
> Bush. A big fat f***ing lie on a huge issue. Read it and weep.


This was an opinion piece written by a right-wing "journalist" from the National Review, not a news report. His previous pieces titled include "Cataloging Kerry’s Canards", "Kerry 'Not Necessarily' Presidential", "Kerry’s Vision—Or Lack Thereof", and "Kerry's Backward Bounce"...get the picture? He has as much credibility as Bush's claim about WMDs in Iraq. More to the point, this guy has also been accused often of vicious slander against opponents of his master Bush. Don't be a ninny and believe all the lies from your "Republican" masters. Read this and weep.
I don't know how you can refute this article. And it destroys Kerry's spin that the reason he voted to authorize the war was because he met with all the members of the Security Council and was assured they would hold Saddam accountable. He lied. He is a liar. We already knew Kerry was completely full of shit on his votes with respect to Iraq, but now the pro-Kerry spin has been fully exposed.

The fact that the lefties are already trying to do their usual attack the messenger thing within hours of the story breaking only proves how damaging it is.

Look, I'm fully aware that the mainstream media will cover Kerry on this one. But at least it means I don't have to listen to the Democrat bullshit anymore about how Kerry has "been consistant from day one" on Iraq.

He's nothing but a phoney and in the debates he made up stories just like when he made up going to Cambodia.

> I don't know how you can refute this article. And it destroys Kerry's spin
> that the reason he voted to authorize the war was because he met with all
> the members of the Security Council and was assured they would hold Saddam
> accountable. He lied. He is a liar. We already knew Kerry was completely
> full of shit on his votes with respect to Iraq, but now the pro-Kerry spin
> has been fully exposed.

> The fact that the lefties are already trying to do their usual attack the
> messenger thing within hours of the story breaking only proves how
> damaging it is.

> Look, I'm fully aware that the mainstream media will cover Kerry on this
> one. But at least it means I don't have to listen to the Democrat bullshit
> anymore about how Kerry has "been consistant from day one" on
> Iraq.

> He's nothing but a phoney and in the debates he made up stories just like
> when he made up going to Cambodia.


"Unfit For Command" was also written by another professional bullshitter who was first hired to discredit Kerry by Richard Nixon and has tried to do so for the last 30 years. His outfit "Swift Boat Veterans For Truth" has been severly discredited, and he is also the same guy that smeared John McCain during the 2000 Republican Primaries for Bush as "unpatriotic" as well as spread vicious lies about him having an affair with a black woman that produced his daughter, when in actuality the daughter is adopted and Bangladeshi. You can believe all the right-wing lies if you want, but don't expect the educated public to do the same.
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