cure camp vs. smiths camp



my friend natalie and i, well, we're having a mini war. she's a cure fan, i'm a smiths fan, alas we are star-crossed. but no worries! like that fateful christmas eve during the great war when a british solider and german solider met in the middle of the battlefield to smoke and play cards, natalie and i are doing hands across america - 80s british indie style.

yes, the pomadour and the bad edward scissorhands haircut are to be united. the blazer and the turtlenecks. the flapping arms and the writhing hands all over the face. pictures to come.
> my friend natalie and i, well, we're having a mini war. she's a cure fan,
> i'm a smiths fan, alas we are star-crossed. but no worries! like that
> fateful christmas eve during the great war when a british solider and
> german solider met in the middle of the battlefield to smoke and play
> cards, natalie and i are doing hands across america - 80s british indie
> style.

> yes, the pomadour and the bad edward scissorhands haircut are to be
> united. the blazer and the turtlenecks. the flapping arms and the writhing
> hands all over the face. pictures to come.

Can you actually imagine Robert Smith going solo and making it a success? I personally couldn't...with The Cure he's great and i'm not taking that away. But he's hardly as enigmatic as Morrissey and never will be, he's solely the lead singer of The Cure and nothing more. Morrissey is an institution on his own, Smith never would be.....put in an institution maybe.
I see no comparison, Morrissey puts himself in the firing line whereas Smith hides behind his fringe, make up and band. I can't ever remember Robert Smith actually saying anything of any interest whatsoever, i do like alot of Cure songs but they've never inspired any devotion in me just respect. This however is fading fast with every recent desperate publicity attempt he makes to try gain a reaction from Morrissey, who thus far just ignores him.....haha that must hurt.

thank you all
> my friend natalie and i, well, we're having a mini war. she's a cure fan,
> i'm a smiths fan, alas we are star-crossed. but no worries! like that
> fateful christmas eve during the great war when a british solider and
> german solider met in the middle of the battlefield to smoke and play
> cards, natalie and i are doing hands across america - 80s british indie
> style.

> yes, the pomadour and the bad edward scissorhands haircut are to be
> united. the blazer and the turtlenecks. the flapping arms and the writhing
> hands all over the face. pictures to come.
I for one am in The Smiths camp, but you knew that already The ONLY Cure album I like is isintegration- Fascination Street is one of my favorites
> Can you actually imagine Robert Smith going solo and making it a success?
> I personally couldn't...with The Cure he's great and i'm not taking that
> away. But he's hardly as enigmatic as Morrissey and never will be, he's
> solely the lead singer of The Cure and nothing more. Morrissey is an
> institution on his own, Smith never would be.....put in an institution
> maybe.
> I see no comparison, Morrissey puts himself in the firing line whereas
> Smith hides behind his fringe, make up and band. I can't ever remember
> Robert Smith actually saying anything of any interest whatsoever, i do
> like alot of Cure songs but they've never inspired any devotion in me just
> respect. This however is fading fast with every recent desperate publicity
> attempt he makes to try gain a reaction from Morrissey, who thus far just
> ignores him.....haha that must hurt.

> thank you all kes You've nailed it! There is absolutely NO FRIGGING WAY Robert Smith could EVER replace Morrissey in the charts, in the music, in the bathroom, ANYWHERE doing ANYTHING. His album would bomb big time. He doesn't possess that mystique you mention, as Morrissey has it. Yep, Morrissey HAS IT and Robert Smith NEVER will. I'm kind of sad about Alain, though, I wish I knew why Mozzer gave Alain his *pink slip (pink slip) so to speak. Maybe Mozzer was getting nervous because he was helping Mozzer to write many of the songs. (the court case, Joyce and evil Rourke) Maybe Moz didn't want a potential rehash of that mess. I stil will ALWAYS think of Morrissey and Marr as being The Smiths. Joyce and Rourke were just studio musicians as far as I am concerned.
> I for one am in The Smiths camp, but you knew that already The ONLY
> Cure album I like is isintegration- Fascination Street is one of my
> favorites
Caroline. when you and your friend Natalie organize your Hands Across Britain, make sure you don't invite George Michael. ( Do They Know It's Christmas Time...Feed The world..etc. all of those rockstars could donate some serious cash and maybe organize something.
Camp isn't the issue it's class war (imho), the cure are a middle class arty-farty band, the music biz is run by 'their' dads, check through 'popular' music history (if you can be arsed) the middle class tossers always 'win' (blur v Oasis) but working class kids 'self destruct' unless they can either be absorbed (Oasis/Weller) or ignored (Morrissey)! This is just my theory (but you can) crucify/rectify/or just fry me if you chose to do so, beware of my arsenal though

you're preaching to the choir, kid! no competition, but tell my friend that.
> my friend natalie and i, well, we're having a mini war. she's a cure fan,
> i'm a smiths fan, alas we are star-crossed. but no worries! like that
> fateful christmas eve during the great war when a british solider and
> german solider met in the middle of the battlefield to smoke and play
> cards, natalie and i are doing hands across america - 80s british indie
> style.

> yes, the pomadour and the bad edward scissorhands haircut are to be
> united. the blazer and the turtlenecks. the flapping arms and the writhing
> hands all over the face. pictures to come.
British 80's Indie Style is the only way to do it! Luckily, I have some reference materal right here! I kept all of my copies of The Face & Blitz from 1984 to 1989. They hiked the price up a bit, but the fashions back then were unbelievable! And that's a good thing ( Martha's voice )
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