Conor McNichols flirting with racism again

Conor McNichols, NME editor, said this year’s ceremony would also feature a Lifetime Racism Award for Morrissey, winner of Best Dressed Vegetarian Nazi for the last 15 years.

McNichols said: “Other pop stars like David Bowie and Bryan Ferry have flirted with the iconography of the Third Reich but only Morrissey rubs himself against a picture of Hitler every morning.”
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Conor McNichols, NME editor, said this year’s ceremony would also feature a Lifetime Racism Award for Morrissey, winner of Best Dressed Vegetarian Nazi for the last 15 years.

McNichols said: “Other pop stars like David Bowie and Bryan Ferry have flirted with the iconography of the Third Reich but only Morrissey rubs himself against a picture of Hitler every morning.”

"Meanwhile Sting is the current favourite to land the Chris de Burgh Award for Being a Complete f***ing c***."

The whole magazine should be taken out in a field and shot.

When is Morrissey's civil suit against these bottom feeders taking place?
Conor McNichols, NME editor, said this year’s ceremony would also feature a Lifetime Racism Award for Morrissey, winner of Best Dressed Vegetarian Nazi for the last 15 years.

McNichols said: “Other pop stars like David Bowie and Bryan Ferry have flirted with the iconography of the Third Reich but only Morrissey rubs himself against a picture of Hitler every morning.”

wow, he really is an utter twunt.
I must point out thedailymush seems to be a joke one step away from the NME.

I was about to wade in until I saw the rest of the stories linked on that page. It appears to be a satirical/comedic site, not unlike The Onion, so it seems that all the stories are made up for comedy value.

Or is it?

I was about to wade in until I saw the rest of the stories linked on that page. It appears to be a satirical/comedic site, not unlike The Onion, so it seems that all the stories are made up for comedy value.

Or is it?


Yeah after i had a look round the site i came to the same conclusion
Conor; the NME Editor ought to be taken out in the field and shot in my opinion. I watched the awards show last year with Lauren Laurvene [SP?] presenting. I must say it was the worst thing I've every seen on television, bar perhaps primal scream. I personally believe the interview in the NME with Morrissey was tampered before public release. [I'm sure i've seen the real interview somewhere]. I'd just like to know two things; firstly when the hell is conor being sacked and secondly, when will NME realise they are not the "cool" magazine the media perceive them to be. Especially when they hype bands entitled "Gay for Johnny Depp" or "Lightspeed champion" [Who I detest].
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It's a "satirical site" !

None of those "quotes" are for real

Jeez,some of you are so gullible

(oh,by the way gullible's not in the dictionary :eek: )
wasnt the fact that it's satirical obvious from the picture of a horse captioned as amy winehouse?
It was, I thought her eyelashes were longer. But it just reminded me that the whole magazine should be taken out in a field and shot.

And the civil suit....anyone know?

wasnt the fact that it's satirical obvious from the picture of a horse captioned as amy winehouse?
Conor McNichols, NME editor, said this year’s ceremony would also feature a Lifetime Racism Award for Morrissey, winner of Best Dressed Vegetarian Nazi for the last 15 years.

McNichols said: “Other pop stars like David Bowie and Bryan Ferry have flirted with the iconography of the Third Reich but only Morrissey rubs himself against a picture of Hitler every morning.”

who cares the guy is still a prick
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I posted it at 04:55 PM then thinking it would be taken serious, I edited it at 04:57 PM.

It's good to feel the hatred toward McNichols though. Long may that last!

*bites fist and tries not to laugh*
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