Bowie refusal -

Bowie refusal
6 February 2013

Bowie refusal

David Bowie has ordered EMI UK not to run the proposed artwork for Morrissey's April 8th issue of the re-mastered The Last of the Famous International Playboys single and CD. The sleeve featured a previously unseen private photograph of Bowie and Morrissey taken by Linder Sterling in New York in 1992. Although Bowie has no legal rights to the photograph, most of his back catalogue is presently licensed to EMI.
To be fair to Bowie, he probably knows very little about this. Infact, my guess is he knows nothing at all. It's probably some jobsworth at EMI or the Bowie organization.

It's such a pity these two great artists can't be friends no more. Up until the Outside tour they were very complimentary about each one another. It was only after that things went sour.

A real shame.
Given how disparaging Morrissey has been about Bowie ("not cuturally relevant") it seems odd that he would want a "not culturally relevant" image on his record sleeve.
Come on Moz , we want you ALL ALONE on the cover!!

Cheers Moz
Bowie's a useless has-been. I'm, um, so excited to hear his new record. I'm sure it will be great.

Well, actually that song was once described by Morrissey as being about himself, Bowie, and Devoto.

So...there's that.

...and Bolan.
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I can't say I am totally surprised. While Bowie was somewhat reconciliatory towards Morrissey and left the door open to working with him again after he walked off the Bowie-Morrissey tour (or at least publicly) Morrissey had some very harsh (and somewhat uncalled for) things to say about Bowie. I doubt Bowie liked that very much.

I like both Bowie and Morrissey, but Morrissey as an artist has been meant much more to me personally than Bowie. That being said Morrissey's opinions on other artists can at times be...surreally out of touch and his rant on Bowie certainly qualifies as one of those times.
By his standards it seems like Morrissey offered a little bit of an olive branch there... but Bowie's snapped it.

Given his recent comments on Dame David, it's hardly surprising though.
El Paso getting ready for Moz vs. Bowie clash

Ha ha! How fitting since I (Rene Romo) had already planned for a Moz versus Bowie tribute battle at El Paso's Club Dedo, corner of Mesa and Rio Grande, this Saturday (Feb. 9), with no cover and drink specials, from 8pm-2am. So, get ready for a "no disqualification steel cage match" between the two legends. By the way, congrats to all of my hometown Morrissey/Smiths fans for selling out the relaunch show at Tricky Falls next Tuesday. I can't wait to see all my old friends and put my arms around them.
The real question is why is this on True to you. Remember Morrissey's terms and conditions for photographers? The True to you message sounds as if we all should join and say that David Bowie is being a pain. We'll he may not have the copyright to the picture, I know that Bowie has every right to oppose to such photo and his image being used. Could I use my Morrissey photo on my website without his consent? Didn't think so either.

Yes you could if you took it

Copyright is held by the photographer
Didn't Morrissey say something more recently along the lines of how he still has an enormous amount of respect for Bowie, despite everything?

To be honest though, I think this is probably just a case of Bowie or his management not wanting his photo to appear on a record that he has nothing to do with. I doubt Morrissey would want his photo to be on someone else's record either.
Didn't Morrissey say something more recently along the lines of how he still has an enormous amount of respect for Bowie, despite everything?

To be honest though, I think this is probably just a case of Bowie or his management not wanting his photo to appear on a record that he has nothing to do with. I doubt Morrissey would want his photo to be on someone else's record either.

Bowie is only a few weeks away from his first album release in a decade, so I think it is understandable he might want to carefully limit his media appearances even on something as relatively low profile as this.
Didn't Morrissey say something more recently along the lines of how he still has an enormous amount of respect for Bowie, despite everything?

To be honest though, I think this is probably just a case of Bowie or his management not wanting his photo to appear on a record that he has nothing to do with. I doubt Morrissey would want his photo to be on someone else's record either.

Yeah, I doubt many artists would want to randomly appear on album cover they were in no way associated with. I also don't think Bowie is quite over Morrissey walking off the tour and than making rather unfortunate remarks about him years later. Even if he has changed his tune.
Given how disparaging Morrissey has been about Bowie ("not cuturally relevant") it seems odd that he would want a "not culturally relevant" image on his record sleeve.

Yes, and we all know that Morrissey would be very displeased if he was in the same situation. Can you imagine the meltdown he'd have if Kristeen Young tried releasing a single with a picture of her and Morrissey on the cover?
Bowie's a useless has-been. I'm, um, so excited to hear his new record. I'm sure it will be great.

Well, actually that song was once described by Morrissey as being about himself, Bowie, and Devoto.

So...there's that.

Actually that was I Know It's Going To Happen Some day
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Good on Bowie (or, um, BowieCorp). I'll defend Morrissey even when I haven't a leg to stand on most times, but putting a photo of another artist who just happens to be launching a comeback on the cover of a reissued single from 20+ years ago is a callow, craven move.
Good on Bowie (or, um, BowieCorp). I'll defend Morrissey even when I haven't a leg to stand on most times, but putting a photo of another artist who just happens to be launching a comeback on the cover of a reissued single from 20+ years ago is a callow, craven move.

Is this the only way Morrissey can hope to garner record sales.
It is very obvious that Morrissey was trying to ride the coattails of Bowie's much publicized comeback by using that photograph...why else would you feature an image on the cover of a 25-year-old song of yourself with a man you've done nothing but criticize for the last 18 years?

Morrissey should just put a photo of him and Marr on the cover...that would probably achieve the same goal.
It is very obvious that Morrissey was trying to ride the coattails of Bowie's much publicized comeback by using that photograph...why else would you feature an image on the cover of a 25-year-old song of yourself with a man you've done nothing but criticize for the last 18 years?

I know what you're saying, but Morrissey famously said at the time that the Last of the Famous International Playboys were "Bowie, Bolan, Devoto and me." So there's the connection... but he was probably still trying to cash in a little on the recent Bowie buzz.

Morrissey should just put a photo of him and Marr on the cover...that would probably achieve the same goal

Well, he did use Marr lookalikes for years! That Adam West/Burt Ward backdrop would have made a nice Morrissey/Marr-style cover.
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