Andy Rouke at the S&G last night


Grim O'Grady

Andy was at the Smiths/Moz night in Manchester, he was at up on the stage with the D.J. & was accompanied by a pretty blond woman, I was full of a cold so I went about midnight, nice to see the U.K. Moz-solo section there & I hear it's gonna be bigger in May to celebrate Mozzers birthday (well the day after), see you down there on the 23rd.
Grim O'Grady
Yes, I had a chat with him and he seemed a really nice guy. Very approachable and cool as a cucumber. My girlfriend made the classic move of mentioning the court case though!
Did Rourke have a circle of snipers around him with strict orders to kill Andy I on sight? Has anybody asked him about the stalking phenomenon that is Andy I? Was Andy I there disguised as a fire extinguisher?
I was very surprised to see him there.

Nice to see you again, Grim. Also, a pleasure to meet Girl Drowning and The Tatty Truth

> Andy was at the Smiths/Moz night in Manchester, he was at up on the stage
> with the D.J. & was accompanied by a pretty blond woman, I was full of
> a cold so I went about midnight, nice to see the U.K. Moz-solo section
> there & I hear it's gonna be bigger in May to celebrate Mozzers
> birthday (well the day after), see you down there on the 23rd.
> love
> Grim O'Grady
> Did Rourke have a circle of snipers around him with strict orders to kill
> Andy I on sight? Has anybody asked him about the stalking phenomenon that
> is Andy I? Was Andy I there disguised as a fire extinguisher?

A fire extinguisher at the S&G, you've got to be avin a larf!

Grim O'Grady
FAO Bluenose.

Okay then Bluenose... what did you look like last night? Wonder if I tried to chat you up...
FAO Northener

I had a white 'This Charming Man' t-shirt on.

I also thought it was a good idea to mix Newkie Brown with I
probably tried to chat you up
Re: FAO Northener

> I had a white 'This Charming Man' t-shirt on.

> I also thought it was a good idea to mix Newkie Brown with I
> probably tried to chat you up

I'm still waiting for that guinness, bluenose. Stood at that bar waiting for it. I ended up having to buy it myself.
I was a passenger in Girl Drowning's car from London. We were the two delegates from the LMP (the London Moz Party. Don't pretend you haven't heard of us.) She's a cool driver, though she might never have got there without my brilliant map-reading skills.
Met the tatty truth and the others when we got there. A great night all round. So start saving for the next one. I'll let you buy me one then.
Anyone bring a camera to the S&G? Please share some pix
> A fire extinguisher at the S&G, you've got to be avin a larf!

You don't look hard enough, son, but I'm *sure* you've nothing better to do at the Smiths Night than look for a Fire Extinguisher.

Actually there's six of them, so I'll look out for you wandering around the Star in May on the trail of your new Holy Grail now that Johnny Marr has scuppered any ill-thought rumour of a reunion.

On the lighter, and let's face it more important, side of the news - the Star&Garter has been kindly given a poster of Morrissey heading a football. Big deal.

It's got "2-0 Morrissey" scrawled on it as well. You'll never guess who by. We may sell it in May, or we may just hang it on the wall and await offers.

See you in May if you're coming.

The Star&Garter

Manchester's Premier Fire Extinguisher Night Spot
FAO Guinness McCann

Ok, Patrick, it's a deal

> I'm still waiting for that guinness, bluenose. Stood at that bar waiting
> for it. I ended up having to buy it myself.
> I was a passenger in Girl Drowning's car from London. We were the two
> delegates from the LMP (the London Moz Party. Don't pretend you haven't
> heard of us.) She's a cool driver, though she might never have got there
> without my brilliant map-reading skills.
> Met the tatty truth and the others when we got there. A great night all
> round. So start saving for the next one. I'll let you buy me one then.
Re: Oh No I wasn't at the Star and Garter but Heather S was there!!!

By the sounds of things Heather S was there. Andy Rourke going in with a pretty blonde probably Heather S? I wish I had gone. I thought it being a partly Morrissey night and not just a Smiths night that Rourke would not be there. But there you go. Boohoo.
That's why he showed up. he knew it was an Andy I free-zone
Re: Was Heather Street there?

He was with some blonde piece. Does that help?
Re: Did she have chin lenth blonde hair with a fringe?

Was she quite small, with tanned skin, blonde hair chin lenth with a fringe, a good figer and about 20-something?
Re: Oh and Heather has a Liverpool-ish accent but she is not from Liverpool but Merseyside.
Re: Oh and Heather has a Liverpool-ish accent but she is not from Liverpool but Merseyside.

she's too trashy to be from Liverpool. All the trash moved to Manchester.
Re: Heather is from Merseyside not Manchester.

So if all the trash as you put it moved to Manchester then Heather is alright as she comes from St. Helens. I think Manchester folk are class!!!
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