ALO! (Serbian tabloid) mentions skin cancer rumor

Re: Skin cancer rumour

Without even clicking the link...

What does endlessly speculating about what illnesses Morrissey may or may not have accomplish? Nothing. If he wants to divulge anything, he will. Otherwise, it's all just people talking to make themselves feel like they know things they don't.
I use this site for the same reason as you, life becomes so much more pleasant once you put him on ignore. As i have said before he uses this site to provoke arguments and put people down. Its a form of bullying. Interestingly he acts normal on other sites he frequents.

He is alo a huge Kate Bush fan - so that says it all, he is also not from Birmingham

Hahaha, how do you know all this?

Since he's not really from Birmingham I shall henceforth refer to him only as 'boy' or possibly 'the boy'.

Kate Bush, huh? I thought the boy despised all aspects of fandom and admiration, that he only admired himself. Interesting!
Why is it that the people who sees Morrissey in black and white as a "diva, hissy fit prissy little bitch" and/or "a complete dick" see themselves as the voices of reason and everyone else are cultists, worshippers and apologists, to stupid to realise and need to wake up? Why is that? To me this is delusional narrowmindedness.

Up until a month ago or so I wasn't really active here, as you know. I visited the main page regularly for the news, but didn't really engage in conversation or discussion (give or take a few exceptions). I let myself get dragged in, however. I wanted to speak up against some of the hatred shown here. A pretty silly mistake. No one here wants change and the negative forces here are those who basically run the site/sets the tone etc, and these people aren't interested in debate. More often than not they're more into insults and sheer attacks, directed either at us or at Moz himself. We see examples of this every day, especially from Brummie.

Brummie often use Morrissey as a way of justifying his own behaviour. This is the pre-school level of reasoning. "If he does it, why can't I?" Moz says outrageous stuff either on stage to his fans, or in interviews when asked, or on his own website. Slight difference there, BB. He's not trolling on some Royal family fanpage. Day in, day out, day in, day nauseum.

to say that Moz pronouncements are not black and white, but subtle, makes you the ultimate troll. After Moz who is King Troll, his last album was all troll songs.
Give it a break.

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I’ve come into Morrissey’s music in my old age so found this site when searching for reviews on the different gigs around the world. I must say that it is most often tedious to read the haters but being a provocateur like Morrissey you will always attract that sort of posters. It’s good to see though that those who are fans are the ones who are able to both praise and critic whereas the haters are the ones being onesided like an old record. Morrissey says a lot of stupid things and often comes across as a hypocrit and inconsistent but so are most of us. Few of us are perfect, political correct beings but often have frogs jumping out of our mouth.

For someone to, like Morrissey, be questioning the royals is usually a safe way to have hords of little old ladies jumping up to their defence (at least in the kingdumb where I’m from, which is a different one the U.K. but unfortunately much the same). So nothing to be surprised at and I’m sure that is what Morrissey expect when he’s dishing it out (as so do I and everyone else that have a strong opinion on the subject).

In this thread at least I’ve got to know that there are other sites than this like for example which is worth repeating although it has been mentioned several times already. Information like that I see as a good thing no matter where the information comes from, haters or fans.

The most repetitive posters on here most probably, like Morrissey himself, have an agenda when they write posts but the few of them are registrered so you can easily recognize their posts and avoid their mantras or just put them on ignore.
How anyone can defend Moz comments about the Chinese or/and KFC is unfathomable.
Why dont the Moz acolytes here, instead of trying to control a website they dont pay for, pony some money together and start another srine to Moz website. You all have jobs right? No more than a few quid a month, and you can ban everybody you doesnt worship His Mozzness.
we i dont defend the chinese comment but also dont wanna get in an over blown conversation about it either as that serves no one i believe
How anyone can defend Moz comments about the Chinese or/and KFC is unfathomable.
Why dont the Moz acolytes here, instead of trying to control a website they dont pay for, pony some money together and start another srine to Moz website. You all have jobs right? No more than a few quid a month, and you can ban everybody you doesnt worship His Mozzness.

I have never defended his comments as I don't give a shit about what he says - just like his music - simples
How anyone can defend Moz comments about the Chinese or/and KFC is unfathomable.
Why dont the Moz acolytes here, instead of trying to control a website they dont pay for, pony some money together and start another srine to Moz website. You all have jobs right? No more than a few quid a month, and you can ban everybody you doesnt worship His Mozzness.

I've never intentionally defended those statements.

And again with the "if you don't like it, go some place else and worship"-routine. I've said this a million times. It's not a question of worshipping, just because you're questioning the way things are. And Isn't that censoring and/or silencing, by the way? Those who question the regime shall be cast out!
I have never defended his comments as I don't give a shit about what he says - just like his music - simples

Then why can't you take the same attitude with the posters here? From what I can recall all you do is scrutinize their posts and motives for posting. When was the last time you talked about the music? You are a phony. And I think you are not even self-aware enough to realize it.
I've never intentionally defended those statements.

And again with the "if you don't like it, go some place else and worship"-routine. I've said this a million times. It's not a question of worshipping, just because you're questioning the way things are. And Isn't that censoring and/or silencing, by the way? Those who question the regime shall be cast out!

No it isn't censoring, it's self-will, don't you see the difference? If you don't like it, make a decision to move on. It really is no one else's decision. It's ludicrous that you should even be attempting to suggest it's somone else's will to force out such as yourself. In precisely the same way you are making a decision every time you post to stay, you can also make a decision to leave. A singer once said "You hiss and groan, and you constantly moan, but you don't ever go away..."

I've never intentionally defended those statements.

And again with the "if you don't like it, go some place else and worship"-routine. I've said this a million times. It's not a question of worshipping, just because you're questioning the way things are. And Isn't that censoring and/or silencing, by the way? Those who question the regime shall be cast out!

Do you mean the Morrissey regime and its long list of the disappeared, or the davidt regime which you complain long and loud doesn't ban and censor people with whom you disagree?

Where is the logic in someone like you, Gregor, who questions the policies of this site day in, day out, and yet is still given a platform to do so, all the while complaining that people who dare to question are "cast out"?

You aren't cast out. The site gives you free rein to say anything you wish, and you take full advantage of it. You are complaining people are not banned while complaining people are banned. Which is it? Your conspiracy theory alleges those who support Morrissey have been banned. Who has been banned? Name them. Let's have a list of these disappeared posters.

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Then why can't you take the same attitude with the posters here? From what I can recall all you do is scrutinize their posts and motives for posting. When was the last time you talked about the music? You are a phony. And I think you are not even self-aware enough to realize it.

Ouch. That's gotta hurt. :thumb:
Why am I a gullible fan just because I don't share your views and your behaviour?

Because you seem to be upset and even outraged that other people, like me, do not respect the boundaries you place around acceptable behaviour on a 'fan' site. You appear to feel it's your duty to protect and defend Morrissey from criticism which you think are unfair or unjust. But it's none of your business, other than to argue your positive case for Morrissey which negates the negative critiques of others. I simply don't see you doing that here. You come across as insecure and lacking self-control, constantly having to remind others that you find their views irritating, but without actually putting forward your own views in a coherent manner. In short, you seem to be an attention-seeking troll. A minor troll, not very amusing, but definitely a troll who takes more pleasure in criticising other people than stating their own worldview.

I use this site for the same reason as you, life becomes so much more pleasant once you put him on ignore. As i have said before he uses this site to provoke arguments and put people down. Its a form of bullying. Interestingly he acts normal on other sites he frequents.

He is also a huge Kate Bush fan - so that says it all, he is also not from Birmingham

I'm so pleased you've put me on Ignore. Shame you are still obsessed with me, but that's your problem, not mine.


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Hahaha, how do you know all this?

Since he's not really from Birmingham I shall henceforth refer to him only as 'boy' or possibly 'the boy'.

Kate Bush, huh? I thought the boy despised all aspects of fandom and admiration, that he only admired himself. Interesting!

One can be an admirer of Kate Bush without being a 'fan'. Once again, you're thinking is confused.

Do you mean the Morrissey regime and its long list of the disappeared, or the davidt regime which you complain long and loud doesn't ban and censor people with whom you disagree?

Where is the logic in someone like you, Gregor, who questions the policies of this site day in, day out, and yet is still given a platform to do so, all the while complaining that people who dare to question are "cast out"?

You aren't cast out. The site gives you free rein to say anything you wish, and you take full advantage of it. You are complaining people are not banned while complaining people are banned. Which is it? Your conspiracy theory alleges those who support Morrissey have been banned. Who has been banned? Name them. Let's have a list of these disappeared posters.

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Ouch. That's gotta hurt. :thumb:

No. What I said was:
there are those who'd like it we went some place else and that seems like a way of censoring. I didn't say people had been banned.
No. What I said was:
there are those who'd like it we went some place else and that seems like a way of censoring. I didn't say people had been banned.

Gregor, you aren't censored. You simply are not. Stay. Go. It's up to you. I think some have questioned why you do not go to other sites if you are unhappy here, but I haven't seen any evidence whatsoever that you, Surface, marred, Oirish, are not given the exactly the same platform as everyone else to do as you wish. If there was any indication whatsoever that people supportive of Morrissey were silenced you'd have a case, but there isn't.

It is noticeable, however, that the great majority of the anger and aggression posted here is from those who think Morrissey is to all intents and purposes infallible.
Gregor, you aren't censored. You simply are not. Stay. Go. It's up to you. I think some have questioned why you do not go to other sites if you are unhappy here, but I haven't seen any evidence whatsoever that you, Surface, marred, Oirish, are not given the exactly the same platform as everyone else to do as you wish. If there was any indication whatsoever that people supportive of Morrissey were silenced you'd have a case, but there isn't.

It is noticeable, however, that the great majority of the anger and aggression posted here is from those who think Morrissey is to all intents and purposes infallible.

Not to mention the misogynist profanity.
Do you mean the Morrissey regime and its long list of the disappeared, or the davidt regime which you complain long and loud doesn't ban and censor people with whom you disagree?

Where is the logic in someone like you, Gregor, who questions the policies of this site day in, day out, and yet is still given a platform to do so, all the while complaining that people who dare to question are "cast out"?

You aren't cast out. The site gives you free rein to say anything you wish, and you take full advantage of it. You are complaining people are not banned while complaining people are banned. Which is it? Your conspiracy theory alleges those who support Morrissey have been banned. Who has been banned? Name them. Let's have a list of these disappeared posters.

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Ouch. That's gotta hurt. :thumb:

Why would that hurt me Johnny Coward?
Gregor, you aren't censored. You simply are not. Stay. Go. It's up to you. I think some have questioned why you do not go to other sites if you are unhappy here, but I haven't seen any evidence whatsoever that you, Surface, marred, Oirish, are not given the exactly the same platform as everyone else to do as you wish. If there was any indication whatsoever that people supportive of Morrissey were silenced you'd have a case, but there isn't.

It is noticeable, however, that the great majority of the anger and aggression posted here is from those who think Morrissey is to all intents and purposes infallible.

Morrissey is by no means infallible. He's human and he does human things. Just because I think the bile and vitriol thrown at him are at often times unjust doesn't mean that I worship him like a God or think he's infallible.

And the fact that you never ever criticise the likes of the so-called Brummie Boy is beyond me. Why is that?
Morrissey is by no means infallible. He's human and he does human things. Just because I think the bile and vitriol thrown at him are at often times unjust doesn't mean that I worship him like a God or think he's infallible.

And the fact that you never ever criticise the likes of the so-called Brummie Boy is beyond me. Why is that?

Probably because he doesnt feel like it and respects BB freedom of speech. Only reason anyone bothers with your whining is because you carry on as if you were the owner of this site, spending all your time being a yenta. Why dont you spend your time singing Moz praises?
we i dont defend the chinese comment but also dont wanna get in an over blown conversation about it either as that serves no one i believe

translation>it doesnt play to our agenda to control this website, which we dont pay for or support. If Moz expects that this site is going to be handed over to him like the other one, hes mistaken. Buy your own site, Moz, spend one miserable quid, for once in your life, before you succumb to dramatitis.

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