Advert for Best I and Best II


Active Member
back when Best I and Best II were released, I seem to remember a full page advert in the music press with words to the effect that despite all their success and sales U2 would never be as good as The Smiths

Does anyone have the full text? I don't need a scan, just the text and a source would be great

It must be funny being U2. Imagine. You're the world's biggest group. Your every move receives the full glare of popular scrutiny, your every utterance is scanned for meaning and import, you can sell-out concerts across the globe, get world leaders on the phone and have million queue to buy your records. And yet in your heart of hearts you know that you weren't a patch on The Smiths.

Stuart Maconie. Here's a link:-
Not sure if it was Best I and II or just some re-issues - but here is the ad and the text (not just Macconie)



It must be funny being U2. Imagine. You're the world's biggest group. Your every move receives the full glare of popular scrutiny, your every utterance is scanned for meaning and import, you can sell-out concerts across the globe, get world leaders on the phone and have million queue to buy your records. And yet in your heart of hearts you know that you weren't a patch on The Smiths.

Stuart Maconie. Here's a link:-

I LOVE The Smiths but I bet if you could ask Johnny or Morrissey if they could switch "popularity" with U2 you'd get some interesting answers.
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