A pic of me and morrissey-solo.com...

> Mother's are cruel, aren't they?
> Exhibit A:
> This explains my enormous hatred for the colour pink.

Look at that adorable little button-nose!!!
Yeah...the parka looks like a bit of overkill, but wow, what a cute pic!
This is me taken sometime during the Punk Years

Check out those trousers!

Re: Now, pictures of the ladies of morrissey-solo.com, please

Dat you Mindy?

Lovely pic - but if you were a true poser, you'd have spelled it 'poseur', surely...
> How old are you there Hallahook? You're so cute!

I think I was 10 at the time, maybe 11.
In this one I know for sure that I'm 3.

Re: You look like a sensitive artist...Handsome picture, man.

I was thinking I looked more like one of Oliver Twist's street urchin cronies.
Artist? I'll take that as a compliment.
Re: Now, pictures of the ladies of morrissey-solo.com, please

Thanks Bore. And I usually flip flop between the two spellings, dependant, of course, upon whether or not I wake up on the pretentious side of the bed that morning (or afternoon as it were).
Re: Now, pictures of the ladies of morrissey-solo.com, please

> here's me before the chop job. can't remember if i ever shared this one
> before. sorry, didn't mean to scare you or any children who might happen
> to glance at the screen. like my poser glasses?

Great picture Mind! Very seductive. Rrrooww
How short is your hair now? Got any pics?
> Thank you Mindy. I guess that pic is deceiving though. The hood of my
> gruesome pink outfit is covering up my gigantic infant forehead. LOL
> Exhibit B:

Would you mind not doing that, Terror??
Think of those of us ( well, me) who are sitting in an internet cafe. A guy has just passed me and called me a paedophile bastard.
I think he's going to get the police.
Re:Don't be fooled by the appearance, king leer....

..he's a cold, ruthless tactician who knows how to ensnare the girlies. His forefathers (Napoleon and Rommel) would be proud of him.
> Would you mind not doing that, Terror??
> Think of those of us ( well, me) who are sitting in an internet cafe. A
> guy has just passed me and called me a paedophile bastard.
> I think he's going to get the police.

Bwhaha! Sorry Patty. So I guess I shouldn't post the baby picture of me sprawled out naked on a bearskin rug?
You are in an internet cafe at this time of night?
Nah! Surely not...
Are you?

> Would you mind not doing that, Terror??
> Think of those of us ( well, me) who are sitting in an internet cafe. A
> guy has just passed me and called me a paedophile bastard.
> I think he's going to get the police.
Re: This is me taken sometime during the Punk Years

> Check out those trousers!

Vivienne Westwood pants, right??
> Why now? Well...before things get any worse:

You're right, KL. Things can only get worse. So I'm told.
Re: This is me taken sometime during the Punk Years

Yes, I toddled into Sex and Jordan kitted me out well, don't you think?

> Vivienne Westwood pants, right??
Re: This is me taken sometime during the Punk Years

> Check out those trousers!

Oh man! That's a great pic! I see your mom was a fan of plaid?
I think the worst thing I owned was mint green cordoroy pants with big ol' buttons on them. *gag* It's a wonder why I was never snatched up by the authorities and put into a saner home.
> You are in an internet cafe at this time of night?
> Nah! Surely not...
> Are you?

I am indeed, Bluebles.
Just had a couple of pints and hit the cafe to see what you've all been up to. It closes at half past midnight so my time's nearly up.
Wouldn't be able to sleep anyway for all the tossers on the way back from the notting hill carnival blowing their f***ING WHISTLES!!!!
> Bwhaha! Sorry Patty. So I guess I shouldn't post the baby picture of me
> sprawled out naked on a bearskin rug?

Not a baby picture, no, Terror. Though if you have recent one........
Re: This is me taken sometime during the Punk Years

> Oh man! That's a great pic! I see your mom was a fan of plaid?
> I think the worst thing I owned was mint green cordoroy pants with big ol'
> buttons on them. *gag* It's a wonder why I was never snatched up by the
> authorities and put into a saner home.

Mint green corduroy pants with big ol' buttons on them are all the rage now, Terror. In fact I'm wearing a pair as I write.
I'm a dedicated follower of fashion, y'know.
Re: This is me taken sometime during the Punk Years

That's what that whistle-blowing is all about then, Patsy. It's the Fashion Police coming to arrest you.

> Mint green corduroy pants with big ol' buttons on them are all the rage
> now, Terror. In fact I'm wearing a pair as I write.
> I'm a dedicated follower of fashion, y'know.

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