1991 pro shot halloween gig on youtube


not bitter but bored
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The freaking coolest. :cool: :guitar: :horny: :sweet:

Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I'd love for someone to burn this show onto CD for me. Will pay. :)
Somebody sold the DVD last year. But refused to share it with the rest of us.
Somebody sold the DVD last year. But refused to share it with the rest of us.

Well they either caved or someone else got a copy too.

If only Wolverhampton would leak. I'd give my left nut for that... but i gave my left nut for World Series tickets in 2001.
I'd give my left nut for that... but i gave my left nut for World Series tickets in 2001.

Guess you gotta take your "ball" and go home to wait for the official release.
I am downloading the Torrent right now.
The Audio was posted Last year in individual files. Drifter probably has it on his site.
It is currently not being seeded. If anybody has it and would seed the video, It would be much appreciated.
Thank you, bored & george barker.
I finished dl from smiths torrents and audio files from links on here, and am watching the video them now.
that’s wonderful! :guitar:
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