virtually dead

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  • Cool :) I should probably stay and give moral support, but I'm knackered, and I'm going to bed, it's half an hour after midnight! Anarchy!
    I agree. I reckon, either keep it as it is or change it to the new art group, I think we'd be OK with it as it is so long as we don't start abbreviating it to the revolution all the time, if the emphasis is on the art rather than the revolution we should be OK.
    Hm, it never really occured to me before, but I see what you mean. The "art" bit makes it seem a bit less political, but when you refer to it (like dylan did in the youtube thread) just as "the revolution" it does sound rather political. The trouble with "Someone and the Somethings" is that there's two of us... someone would have to be the someone, if you know what I mean, and we don't really have any somethings :p The Melody Lees reminds me of billy childish, it sounds like one of his bands. I dunno, it might grow on me, if I got used to it. We could go back to the New Art Group, I suppose, sort of the same but without the Revolution.... for a band with no songs we really do have everything else :p
    Yes, I'm sure your changeableness (word?) is a definite sign of your commitment to anarchistic nuttiness! Or a sign of some mental instability... but no, definitely anarchistic nuttiness. :p

    What other names are you thinking of? I'm intrigued...
    Only for you! You really are a terrible influence, I was just on my way to bed, thought I'd check solo before I went, and here I am staying up until at least half past eleven! We're just completely nutty! :p

    *too much rik mayall*
    Hey did you go busking? Sorry I haven't sent you the chords to ".....Guilty" yet. I'll work on it. :)

    Fran :)
    Yeah, 12 is fine, as you say, I do have you all night, all to myself (WE NEED PERVE SMILEYS!!) And you know I adore your mean private messages!
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