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  • Not many people can speak German. Apart from about 70 millions Germans..:) The jokes are getting so bad now that i SIMPLY must rest..:)

    I know, it's the neverplayedsymphony...:) and Gerry Adams was a leading member of the IRA back in the day and was part of the negotiations to bring peace to Northern Ireland, back in 1995.

    I am working temporarily with a friend and i am building a Wall, no cheek from you..:), and it's going very well. In that it hasn't fallen down yet..:)

    Going now.....Sleep
    Oh well, if you are frightened of the consequences, you'd better do it then. It's a good idea to stick in and do as well as you can, though there's always time, but you seem very bright.

    I am head mental, but not leg mental..:) I got caught talking to myself today, which is always socially awkward. People could make you feel less embarrassed at such times and have the decency to fake a seizure...:)

    It's quite a small head, with VERY disturbing, but mostly entertaining content..:) Who is the Irish friend? Gerry Adams..:) He never mentioned that he'd met you..:)

    I will be going to bed soon, because the ugly morning inevitably awaits.

    Sleep well...xxxx
    What you are handing in homework when you're supposed to! Are you ill?..:) "I am not a complete idiot you know, i have about six months to go" - meaning i am not a complete idiot, but i may be in 6 months. Not the best gag ever, but i do try...:)

    Why do you want to go away? are you pissed off or something?

    I have nowhere to go when i get upset. I have to live with this head...:)

    What was your essay about. And yes, i DO ask a lot of questions..:)
    Robert Burns? Aren't you a little smarty pants! I thought the exaggeration of my humour would make it funny...:) I am not a complete idiot you know! I have about 6 months to go..:)

    I meant when your parents get old and crumbly you can drop them in a boiling hot bath for not letting you go on your trip. I would let you go, i think your pretty responsible, but then i am quite insane..:)

    You don't want to go to Ireland and get potentially molested by a leprechaun..:) Cheer up, i know it's not easy. when i get upset, i don't go around with a miserable face. I plot to kill people..:)
    Sarah is very common, i think you are quite unique so it's appropriate that you have an an unusual name. Geography teachers are pervs, it's common knowledge down our way? My French teacher was very petite and spoke English beautifully. I suppose i was at that funny age, that never really ended..:)

    450 miles sounds rather extravagant, i can understand why. Was it a school trip or something? Were you trying to see our Moz in New Zealand or something?..:)

    I hope your tears have dried? Maybe it's for the best. And when you get older you can drop them into a boiling hot bath..:) Just bide your time..:)
    What can i say? I am just a very nice person..:) I like unusual names and yours is certainly that. I am confident that you will like it as you get older. Mark my words..:) I hated mine until i got older, i wanted to be called Simon or Steve, so my little pussy tartan name really annoyed me.

    It was a very pure crush, far more innocent days. My late mother spoke to her at a parents evening and she said that i looked like i was daydreaming in her class. If she could have seen my thoughts, no jury in the world would have saved me..:)

    How has your day been?
    Oh playing games with my liberal mentality, how nice..:) I was being all gentlemanly as well, oh well, that's where honesty gets you in this crazy world!..:) It's a nice enough name. You'll grow into it, just like i did. with mine though, obviously..:)

    I couldn't really take to either of them. I had too much of a crush on my French teacher to concentrate on what she was saying. And YES, i am ashamed of myself..:)

    I'm glad to hear that you do wash. That would be a terrible thing to live with..:)

    Have a lovely
    Wow, very good..:) And how did you know that? That's impressive. Can you speak German well? We didn't get German at school, only French.

    Your name is very unusual which is good, how do people respond to it when you tell them? Is there a story behind why your mother or father chose that name for you. I'm named after my father, whom i've never met.

    You should see a doctor, you can't go through life not washing! And believe me, i've tried..:)

    And what does the German translate into, smarty pants?...:) It's quite impressive though. I'd like to speak another language, i may try English sometime..:)

    Summat, reminds me of Kess, one of my favourite films. I actually saw a Kestrel today! And if your not aleep by now you'll never be..:) I quite enjoyed it.

    I don't really know the South London area that well, i lived in North London for a while, 'Ornsey', more commonly known as Hornsey...:) And will you tell me your first name? I promise i won't laugh. What is it and what does it mean? Mine is Scots gaelic, and it means, leader of men...:) I quite like unusual names, so i won't guffaw or anything..:)

    Heat magazine is shocking. I couldn't handle too much heat either, i don't think there's a climate that would suit me.

    Allergic to showers? Not good.

    Sleep well, (

    Good Evening Madam...:) And if you don't do the homework when you think that something bad will happen what happens? Is this threat real or imagined? I always find the ones you can imagine to be FAR worse..:) Two days of being a Blackpoolian, or whatever they're called..:) isn't much of a claim. Being from London can't really be bad? It's quite a nice place really, though it's been over 10 years since i was there.

    You can tell your Scottish influence by your brilliant humour, ALL Scottish people are funny, and some even funny in the 'Ha Ha' sense...:)

    I am really tired today after working hard. I am thinking of moving to sunnier climes because all these grey skies are taking there toll. We didn't have a summer this year, and while i will never be a 'Lazy sunbather', i find this constant grey infuriating. If i move to a sunny place, i may even eat fruit!..:)

    I hope you are well?

    Yours, Alasdair.
    You haven't done your homework? Big smacks for you...:) And riding a bike isn't an appropriate excuse for not doing it! You're a strange creature, when you do homework, you don't have to, and when you have to, you don't! I don't know..:)

    You wouldn't steal her car because you're the honest type and she knew it. Blackpool is okay, not a bad place to be born. I've been twice and was too drunk to remember much about it, and i suppose that's basically the point..:)

    Third Scottish Uncle? who are the other two? You don't have Scots relations do you, you poor soul...:)

    have a lovely sleep and enjoy tomorrow, well today.

    Alles klar, lol! I love that show...:) It's good that you were riding because it's very good for you. I tend to walk quite a lot, so find cyclist to generally be lazy bastards...:) if you are in pain, then you should get one of these special seats that adjust themselves and you don't get any pain or numbness. it is your body..:)

    Are you from the North originally? You have a nice soft, accent and i don't pick up any Northerness. did you run away to Blackpool? I was too much of a wuss to do something like that. The furthest i got was my Grannies about an hour away and the geriatric BITCH phoned my mother and she came for me. I could have been serving Martini's in Jamaica if it hadn't been for those meddlin' adults..:)

    It sounds like a nice dress then and high-heels don't sound too shabby..:) You'd have been the first person in heels to dance to this Charming Man since James Maker..:)

    I am usually working during the day, THAT or shoplifting or letting down the tires on disabled buggies..:)

    How are ya?
    It basically means getting a hard time from a female who is having period pains and the potential for irritability, and the 'aim' reference was about peeing on the rug that goes round the toilet. However confusing it was there's no reason to bring up Algebra, i go into a cold sweat when i see THAT word..:)

    I hope you gave it gusto when it came to the dance..:) How did your reading go? Did you sound all sweet and angelic like you imagined?..:) 5 Morrissey fans at the one wedding must be some kind of record, it took me years to find a fellow devotee and he was rather strange! yes, even by MY standards..:)

    Do i sleep during the day? Now it's your turn to confuse me..:)
    I understand enough about women to realise the 'pain' theory in that regard. I can recall without problem being on the receiving end of unjust verbal assassinations, just because i sometimes fail in my 'aim'..:)

    Well, have a great time tomorrow and i hope it all goes well for you. Behave yourself and i hope everything goes well for you. Have a lovely sleep and don't be nervous!

    That's a relief..:) I had visions of this poor feeble maiden being locked in a cupboard under the stairs. Just as well you clarified that, i was about to mount my steed and make haste to Londinium to rescue you.....:) Man, this communication thing is NEVER!

    Well, then your friends are bastards for not helping you at this time! Are you a bit disappointed at that? were they all busy or something?

    How do you know i don't have one of them? People are so presumptuous these days! That said, i would quite like one, but it's not happening and i AM jelous..:)
    I was just about to ask about the Stepdad. Maybe it'll take a bit of time to get to know him better? I don't really know and wouldn't want to pry. It's a shame they wouldn't let you bring friends as guests, it seems a bit mean..:( These situations are never easy.

    Maybe you should get some Diacalm for tomorrow, just so that this stomach of yours doesn't manifest into something worse..:)
    Oh tomorrow. That's great. it should be a good day though - and i don't know if you're the nervy type, but try not to let the reading thing spoil your day. It's easy to let such occasions spoil the day but try to enjoy it and all that..:)

    I think i'd like to be around when you erupt, i think it would be quite a show..:) Just don't blow at the lectern, churches are very short of cash these days and the clean up bill would be horrendous...:) If you like Geography then you should be okay, because liking something is half the battle.

    try to relax tomorrow though. I've had to do two best man speeches and it's best just to try and be relaxed. Juts promise me you won't!
    Well, chocolate willies will give you stomach cramps...:) When does mom get married then? Are you going to be a maid of honour?

    Geography is good, i am quite interested in countries and all that. It's always better to learn these things when you get to choose it though. The monsoon would be incredible to witness and god only knows what flooding must actually mean in India then. Scary thought.

    How are you today then? Stomach cramps aside..:)
    You will find out about the lair in time, if i tell you right now, you will probably leave...:) Don't know how you found out about the specimen jars though - someone will have to be sacrificed...:)

    Sounds like a bit of work for no reason, i did that once at college last year and was more than a little pissed off..:) Paul Merton has a series on 5 in which he's touring India, it was really good. Though you're probably so sick at Bangladesh right now that you won't bother!..:)

    Anyhoo, i hope you are doing well?
    Hey, thanks for this. I was just so impressed by your posts, i needed you as part of my lair....:) Why are you looking at flooding in Bangladesh? Is it a course or something or is reading about flooding last thing at night a sign of an 'ill' mind..:)

    That's right, i get a new friend and question her sanity! This loneliness may not just be a curse after all...:)

    Anyhoo, have a great sleep..:)
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