posted by davidt on Friday August 06 2004, @11:00PM
Oscar writes:

I was watching VH1 this morning and they showed a clip of "The First Of The Gang To Die" video. They stated something along the lines "All you Morrissey fans... Morrissey kicks off his U.S. tour October 1st"
posted by davidt on Friday August 06 2004, @11:00PM
B-Side writes:

After playing "This Charming Man," DJ Julie Kramer of WFNX radio (Boston 101.7) mentioned on air today that -- although not written in stone -- she's heard Morrissey may be at the Orpheum Theatre in Boston on October 4th and 5th. (The Orpheum is a 2800 seat venue.)

I came close to wrecking the car when I heard that one :>)
posted by davidt on Friday August 06 2004, @11:00PM
John, England writes:

Despite having slagged the song off in its 2 star review of YATQ, the current September issue has put Irish Blood, English Heart in its top 50 songs of the 21st century!

The main feature is called '1010 songs you must own' and The Smiths/Moz feature in loads of categories including:
'That Joke isn't Funny' (Tim from Keane's top 20 "they're a massive inspiration: yes I know Morrissey slags us off")
'Well I wonder' and 'Will never marry' (60 songs for dark nights of the soul)
'Oscillate Wildly' (50 instrumentals)
'What difference' (Jeremy Vine's essential indie track)
'Paint a vulgar picture' (50 Epics)
'Please please please' (50 short and to the point)
'Interlude by Moz and Susie' (50 duets)
'How soon is now' (50 air guitar)
'There is a light' (60 tired and emotional)

and I think that's about it!
posted by davidt on Friday August 06 2004, @11:00PM
Ralf writes:

Morrissey was just given the puppet treatment on the British comedy series Bo'Selecta. It wasn't particularly inspired; he was just very miserable. I only caught some of it so could someone else fill in the gaps? By the way, Bo'Selecta is a rather surreal, and occasionally funny, series which features celebrity-mad "Avid Merrion" and a host of parodies of famous people.
Nick also writes:

"Asexual Morrissey" or a man in a Morrissey mask made a comic appearance on Channel 4's Bo Selecta Friday night in the UK. Amusing.
JamesR also writes:

Moz made a mainstream popular show tonight when he was represented on Bo Selecta! on Channel 4 after Big Brother. For those who don't know what this is, it's a (slightly tasteless?) comedy in the UK with one guy playing a number of parts with oversized puppet-type features. It's usually quite on the ball with what's popular, and the fact that Moz has made an appearance is good credit to him... It was a quiz-show type sketch with an (I think) sexuality theme, in which he was described as 'Asexual Morrissey'.

This is quite a nod to his popularity at the moment!
posted by davidt on Friday August 06 2004, @11:00PM
Torr sends teh link:

By Ivana B. Adored

August 3, 2004

My favorite song on KROQ right now is Morrissey’s "First of the Gang to Die," which found new love this week from Live105 and CD101. He will be on a headline tour in the States this fall—stay tuned
posted by davidt on Friday August 06 2004, @11:00PM
Alex from Germany writes:

I just wanted to let you know that i ordered a T-Shirt of Moz on and never received it. I have been waiting for about 5 weeks now. The same happened to some of my friends. We´re living in Germany. Our calls and mails stayed unanswered. So I think when you are outside the UK you better not order something there or your money is gone.... You can find this shop at this link.
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