posted by davidt on Monday November 28 2005, @10:00AM
Charlie aka Vivamoz writes:
On Alice Coopers nationally syndicated radio show Weds 11.23.05 Cooper played a track by The Clash then spoke about how the British media had overhyped The Clash, and other bands.

He specifcally calls out "Take Morrissey for example, British writers, most likey "gay" British writers say The Smiths were the most important event on British music scene over the Rolling Stones & the Beatles. This is just ridiculous" said Alice Cooper.
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  • Such crap spewing from the mouth of a has-been. He's jealous, that's all!
    Anonymous -- Monday November 28 2005, @10:22AM (#186774)
    • Re:Bah! by mauve21 (Score:1) Tuesday November 29 2005, @06:35PM
      • Re:Bah! by Marlowe (Score:1) Monday December 05 2005, @08:54PM
        • Re:Bah! by mauve21 (Score:1) Tuesday December 06 2005, @05:11PM
  • ... lyrical f-ing genious like "school's out for ever" contributed more to music; what a twat talking out of his arse.
    xXx_Mrs_Moz_xXx -- Monday November 28 2005, @10:28AM (#186778)
    (User #14395 Info |
    "The Earl of Sandwich invented the sandwich, Samuel Morse invented the Morse Code & Plato invented the plate"
  • Especially since Morrissey is indeed the straightest straight man that ever was straight ! Of course the other three Smiths were gay... that's why everyone thinks Morrissey must be. But he does indeed love the ladies.

    - Man of Vision
    Anonymous -- Monday November 28 2005, @10:45AM (#186783)
  • Hmph (Score:2, Funny)

    Whenever I saw him on chat shows and the like I always thought he seemed quite nice and intelligent. Now I know he's an imbecilic homophobe. Thanks, Alice. (Poofter's name!)
    Anonymous -- Monday November 28 2005, @11:31AM (#186793)
    • Re:Hmph (Score:2, Insightful)

      Alice Cooper is not a homophobe.
      He has always been quite camp, ambiguous, outrageous himself before the glam scene.
      The guy is a living legend, give him a break.
      If Moz can say what he likes, regardless of how sarcastic or nasty his comments are, so can Alice Cooper.
      lg -- Monday November 28 2005, @07:57PM (#186883)
      (User #12253 Info)
      Friendship is the Love that never dies.
      • Re:Hmph by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday November 29 2005, @01:21AM
      • Re:Hmph by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday December 01 2005, @03:59PM
        • Re:Hmph by lg (Score:1) Thursday December 01 2005, @04:14PM
  • Someone fetch the poor dear a napkin- there's some drool in the corner of his mouth- I don't believe it would be nice of us to leave it hanging there.
    bobmozza -- Monday November 28 2005, @11:50AM (#186800)
    (User #6533 Info)
  • Who, for instance? (Score:2, Insightful)

    So, exactly which "gay" writers said the Smiths were better than the Stones or Beatles? The fact that Alice doesn't give specifics proves that he hasn't done his research, and is talking straight out of his no talent ass. Still like "No More Mr. Nice Guy", though.

    I think I see his mindset, though. In terms of longevity or chart success, then the Smiths can't compare to either the Beatles or Stones. What the golfer forgets is that in terms of influence on a generation of music, then the Smiths hold their own rather well -- especially with all sorts of bands now citing them as major influences. Kind of makes you wish Alice had died in that stage accident in the 70's, doesn't it?
    ATLpunk -- Monday November 28 2005, @01:41PM (#186823)
    (User #13585 Info)
  • His music is worthless. People would be better off without Kiss. It's obvious that he's jealous of Morrissey's intellect and poetic genius. And of his most recent success.
    organicsamurai <[email protected]> -- Monday November 28 2005, @03:16PM (#186845)
    (User #10089 Info)
    . . .and if I ever wanted to cry, then I will because I can.
  • Heterosexual mafia (Score:2, Insightful)

    Could it be that straight music journalists have recently over-hyped Alice Cooper as a transgressive genius, when in reality he was just another whitebread huckster who only played at danger while maintaining the status quo?

    Say it ain't so.

    Anaesthesine -- Monday November 28 2005, @10:02PM (#186887)
    (User #14203 Info)
    If Moz did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.
  • What was that creepy man thinking?, that words were stupid for many reasons but the main is: The Smiths and Beatles/Rolling Stones are worlds apart (you know, the publicity, the etc, etc), I really like the Beatles but The Smiths and Morrisey touch my heart in a more honestly way.
    NovemberJesus -- Monday November 28 2005, @10:30PM (#186889)
    (User #14730 Info)
    ...maybe I'll even arrive?
  • Alice Has A Point (Score:1, Insightful)

    In the grand scheme of things, the Smiths are a global footnote in comparison to the Stones/Beatles.

    Moz fans really can't handle criticism can they?
    Anonymous -- Tuesday November 29 2005, @02:12AM (#186904)
  • every1 even young kids are forever saying that every1 and everything is gay.still having said that alison cooper is the gayest slack assed looking fag ever! them other 2 bands had something but morrissy has it all.all people have diff tasts but that dont mean we start slagging every1 off....if you aint got something nice to say then you should keep your trap shut!
    shame -- Tuesday November 29 2005, @05:46AM (#186918)
    (User #15060 Info)
  • I always think these popstars going on about other popstars being "gay" are a bit dubious themselves. Why are they so bothered?

    Henry Rollins is an example. Why is he so obsessed with proving how manly he is?
    Anonymous -- Tuesday November 29 2005, @06:00AM (#186919)
    • C'mon Henry... by Anaesthesine (Score:1) Tuesday November 29 2005, @09:21AM
  • right wing Christian( look up under 'tosser'),and this may begin to explain his homophobic tendencies,as well as give you an insight into the judgement of the man .But you know what? I really dont give a fuck if someone doesnt like the smiths/moz, in fact I would be more pissed off if his ilk actually liked them, that would be deeply embarrasing.
    p.s I'm not gay, but I love a brother...or not that sort of uncle.
    jehova's witless -- Tuesday November 29 2005, @08:56AM (#186936)
    (User #13345 Info)
  • Old Cooper Reference (Score:2, Interesting)

    Morrissey wrote this in a letter to his pen-pal Robert Mackie in the late ‘80s:

    “Did you see vintage Bowie on the OGWT 70's review? Almost funny if the rest of the programme wasn't such an obvious self-gratification slot for Mother Harris. Nice to see Alice Cooper, and weren't Roxy Music just Fab City? “

    goinghome -- Tuesday November 29 2005, @02:37PM (#186972)
    (User #12673 Info)
  • you're poison running through my veins.
    alcoholic afternoon -- Wednesday November 30 2005, @11:19AM (#187048)
    (User #14583 Info)
    ..and when i fell on the floor i drank more...
  • Hi.
    fuckfase -- Wednesday November 30 2005, @08:07PM (#187167)
    (User #4299 Info)
    • Jesus. by Hello Indie (Score:1) Saturday December 03 2005, @08:37AM
  • old rockers like Alice tend to have an air of self-importance about their own generation of artists. the Clash overhyped? maybe, but it seems he was, as well! there were many artists of his own genre, in his heyday that surpassed him in quality and passion...he's just an old man who wishes his work had any relevancy to today, besides being Marylin Manson's proto-clown. and the Morrissey comments are also typically American...go do some more Target commercials, Alice.
    Anonymous -- Sunday December 04 2005, @01:10AM (#187687)
  • Come on, Alex Cooper saying something. The same person who made a lame song about being eighteen years old. Go put some make up on, you clown.
    Enema Bandit -- Monday December 05 2005, @06:46PM (#187877)
    (User #14424 Info)
    • Re:Relax guy. by Enema Bandit (Score:1) Monday December 05 2005, @08:59PM
  • 1 reply beneath your current threshold.

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