The Drivel Thread

Also, I KNEW she wasn't Mexican, earnest aubs. I was only pretending I thought she was so that you'd tell me her real nationality. And now that you have, I liked her better when she was Mexican.
@Lucifer Sam

I just watched "What if" with Daniel Radcliffe to see if it could help me form an opinion and give you some advice.

It didn't make things a lot clearer, but I did learn from it that you can't eat your own poo twice.

It figures you'd like an Asian, audrey. Did you tell her you play an edge lord online by pretending to be an islamist? That's the sort of thing that drives all the girls wild.

It’s working out just fine, because I don’t have to worry about the self-loathing that must come from being a phony just to get into someone’s pants. One thing that’s worse than an inept person is an inept person feigning confidence. At least I keep my dignity and I’m OK by myself.
Wondering whether to go pick up my prints from the art supplies store or go for a walk.
I know I look pathetic. Maybe that medical technician infected me with AIDS along with a carcinogen. Who knows but him, in this crazy world. I’m not going out. I’m going to read about a female psychopath…true crime. A heartless scumbag monster she is. Gives women a bad name. Maybe I’ll go for a walk later. The prints can wait. I don’t fancy taking the bus downtown right now.
It’s working out just fine, because I don’t have to worry about the self-loathing that must come from being a phony just to get into someone’s pants. One thing that’s worse than an inept person is an inept person feigning confidence. At least I keep my dignity and I’m OK by myself.
You're a total phony because you want to use her for sex and then go back to your life but you probably act completely wholesome so that she has no idea what dirty thoughts are in your mind. The guy I know who just wants me to get my tits out is a sleaze bur not a phoney because he makes it clear that that's what he wants and i respect him for it. (And I in turn make it clear that he's Barking up the wrong tree).
You're a total phony because you want to use her for sex and then go back to your life but you probably act completely wholesome so that she has no idea what dirty thoughts are in your mind. The guy I know who just wants me to get my tits out is a sleaze bur not a phoney because he makes it clear that that's what he wants and i respect him for it. (And I in turn make it clear that he's Barking up the wrong tree).

I haven’t pretended to be anything I’m not.
anxiety bloody awful poetry testing the waters trying to feel good in your own skin trying to make friends wanting to alleviate anxiety wanting to feel safe to be honest wanting to have integrity
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