Unknown & Uncredited Images

Revision as of 07:34, 17 July 2022 by Davidt (talk | contribs)

The following images are potential Morrissey influences, may have been cited or used by him, but have unknown models, artists, photographers etc. If you can identify any - it would really help the Wiki.


The following image's photographer & model are unknown. The image was known to be used as a backdrop during 2014 and 2022.

It can be found on the Blogspot site: Homodesiribus

Image used as a backdrop in 2012 (source). From an anonymous person:

I found the backdrop online, if anyone was wondering about that. It doesn't say who they are though, and I googled a bit and all I can find about who they are is 'unknown' so there you go. I guess nobody knows.

Affectionate Musicians

From the Google Historical-Pictorial group, contributed by member "osvaldo".



Belfast Teenagers

2013 tour backdrop. From:


Valued exposure: Fashion

Teenagers wearing cropped trousers known as 'parallels', in the ruins of Smithfield Market in Belfast, Northern Ireland, 4 June 1974. Photo by Frank Tewkesbury/Evening Standard/Getty Images


Unknown sailor used circa 2009 as a backdrop.
Forum discussion from around that time regarding said.
Morrissey mimicked the image in a press photo.

Sailors in their dress blues on liberty, 42nd Street, New York City, 1957. Photo by Frank Paulin (source). Used as a backdrop in 2014.

Pictures of Daily Life in Los Angeles in the 1940s Taken by Max Yavno (source). Used as a backdrop in 2014.

"Rise Up!"
Used as a 2017 backdrop.
Limited information.
Thought to be from (or first used by): http://www.theblackbailout.com/ (now defunct)

Bullfighter still.

Some uncertainty remains surrounding the bull fighter pictured. Thought to initially be Álvaro Múnera ("El Pilarico") and then to be Francisco Javier Sánchez Vara.
Used as part of a bullfighting video montage ending with this still from 2017 onwards.