The Guardian: "Morrissey: Jet2holidays must cut ties to marine parks over orcas and dolphins" (July 11, 2023)


By Joe Middleton - July 11, 2023


"Morrissey has written to Jet2holidays urging the tour operator to drop its association with marine parks that continue to use captive orcas and dolphins for entertainment.

In a letter to the Jet2 chief executive, Steve Heapy, the former frontman of the Smiths said the mammals belong in the open ocean where they can find food and socialise, which they cannot do if they are in “a cramped, concrete tank”."

Article minus the pay gate / nag screen:


PETA article regarding the same topic with quotes:

Copy of the letter:


Jet2holidays, we know you want to kill them
Jet2holidays, we know you want to kill them
Jet2holidays, we will not be silent
Jet2holidays, we will not be silent

At the Tenerife marine park, they said:
This is just entertainment!

Jet2holidays, we will not be silent
Jet2holidays, we will not be silent
At the Tenerife marine park, they said:
There's nothing to see here!

Jet2holidays, a cold orca just touched me
Jet2holidays, a cold dolphin just touched me

Jet2holidays, we will not be silent
Jet2holidays, we will not be silent
At the Tenerife marine park, they said:
This is just entertainment!

Jet2holidays, a dead orca just touched me
Wow! A Guardian article and not a single dig at Morrissey. Even I’ve not been able to manage that this week 😁

Also, well done Moz :clapping:
yes, nothing about the 'controversial' singer. what he needs is a pic of him and a fluffy animal...all will be forgiven.
well done though Moz for bringing this issue to people's attention.
I’m now braced for more shit to hit a fan within the next few days. It always starts with me thinking some sanity is returning to planet Morrissey.
I wonder how long it will be until Morrissey is too toxic for Peta to want to be associated with him?
I wonder how long it will be until Morrissey is too toxic for Peta to want to be associated with him?
I recall how marginalised PETA was in the 80s and 90s. And the people at the heart of the organisation won’t be in a rush to dismiss those who stuck their necks out.
I wonder how long it will be until Morrissey is too toxic for Peta to want to be associated with him?

Good question. PETA admirably came to his defense on the sub-species comment, so hopefully it would be never.

I guess it depends on where PETA leadership goes. As it is, they’ll praise any celebrity who says anything in support of animals, even if it’s a meat-eater lamenting fur. If they disassociate from Morrissey over some of his unrelated bizarro views, I think they’ll lose credibility. At the same time, there has to be a line. They can’t promote Savitri Devi, even though her work on animal rights was so insightful.
I couldn’t agree more. Morrissey is 100% right. It’s evil what humans do to animals.

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