so apparently



according to the new plan for iraq, elections will be held in a system roughly corresponding to the american one. let me get this straight. we're exporting democracy to iraq via a process that bears little resemblance to democracy? what?

lest any of you think that i am completely against the idea of an electoral college, i am not. i wouldn't have much of a problem with it (in fact, i have a grudging appreciation for its original intention of making sure states with small populations didn't get left out of the loop), except for the fact that electors are not obliged to vote in the same manner as their constituencies. how is that democracy again?
Thanks for your delightful insight peter jennings. You could be a newswoman you know,uh huh,right after they outlaw harpooning. Or whenever you decide to drop a few tons,which ever comes first. Look for them to outlaw harpooning first though.
> according to the new plan for iraq, elections will be held in a system
> roughly corresponding to the american one. let me get this straight. we're
> exporting democracy to iraq via a process that bears little resemblance to
> democracy? what?

> lest any of you think that i am completely against the idea of an
> electoral college, i am not. i wouldn't have much of a problem with it (in
> fact, i have a grudging appreciation for its original intention of making
> sure states with small populations didn't get left out of the loop),
> except for the fact that electors are not obliged to vote in the same
> manner as their constituencies. how is that democracy again?

It's not, Mindy. It's corruption.
> according to the new plan for iraq, elections will be held in a system
> roughly corresponding to the american one. let me get this straight. we're
> exporting democracy to iraq via a process that bears little resemblance to
> democracy? what?

> lest any of you think that i am completely against the idea of an
> electoral college, i am not. i wouldn't have much of a problem with it (in
> fact, i have a grudging appreciation for its original intention of making
> sure states with small populations didn't get left out of the loop),
> except for the fact that electors are not obliged to vote in the same
> manner as their constituencies. how is that democracy again?

they should implement the British First Past the Post system, its the only system that would represent all ethnic factions of Iraq
> according to the new plan for iraq

According to Mindy's plan for Iraq the Iraqi people would continue to be enslaved by the now former Dictator of Baghdad.
> According to Mindy's plan for Iraq the Iraqi people would continue to be
> enslaved by the now former Dictator of Baghdad.

don't be stupid. she was enquiring about the way the new leaders would be elected.
Mindy- the unthinkable happened to me the other day.

lest any of you think that i am completely against the idea of an
> electoral college, i am not. i wouldn't have much of a problem with it (in
> fact, i have a grudging appreciation for its original intention of making
> sure states with small populations didn't get left out of the loop),
> except for the fact that electors are not obliged to vote in the same
> manner as their constituencies. how is that democracy again?
In my class we were talking about the electoral college and I was arguing its time to get rid of it. My professor gave a speech for keeping it, pointed to ME and referred to me as "our extreme left wing friend here". Can you believe it? The stars and planets must be not be aligned or something. :0(
Re: Mindy- the unthinkable happened to me the other day.

if i'd been there, he'd probably have shouted "RED COMMIE SCUM!!!!!"
Re: Mindy- the unthinkable happened to me the other day.

> if i'd been there, he'd probably have shouted "RED COMMIE
> SCUM!!!!!"
LOL, My professor calls himself a bleeding heart liberal. But this class has been a problem for me and it has nothing to do with that.
The first day of class this guy sat next to me and made some dumb blonde joke and when he noticed my ring he said something about how I probably don't take school seriously because when I get married I will, the exact quote was, "get knocked up right away". After that first class he either cut or left early and he asks me for the notes. Its every week! I don't know how to tell him f*** off, im not giving you my notes anymore. Do you or anyone have a suggestion. If anyone has one I will be forever grateful.
Re: Mindy- the unthinkable happened to me the other day.

> LOL, My professor calls himself a bleeding heart liberal. But this class
> has been a problem for me and it has nothing to do with that.
> The first day of class this guy sat next to me and made some dumb blonde
> joke and when he noticed my ring he said something about how I probably
> don't take school seriously because when I get married I will, the exact
> quote was, "get knocked up right away". After that first class
> he either cut or left early and he asks me for the notes. Its every week!
> I don't know how to tell him f*** off, im not giving you my notes anymore.
> Do you or anyone have a suggestion. If anyone has one I will be forever
> grateful.

Try this LGDAL.
"Remember what you said to me on the first day. Now f*** off or I'll tell McCann and he'll KICK YOUR GODDAMM ASS!!"
Re: Patrick- the unthinkable happened to me the other day.

> Try this LGDAL.
> "Remember what you said to me on the first day. Now f*** off or I'll
> tell McCann and he'll KICK YOUR GODDAMM ASS!!"
Thanks Patrick. I see him tomorrow and Im going to tell him that. Even the Devils being up 2-0 couldn't cheer me up the way you always can!

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