Is Morrissey cool...I mean come on do you really think so?



Yes ladies and gentlemen

im asking about the one true thing that really ever does matter in the music industry you think morrissey is a cool guy? i know he is gay and he did sport those terrific suits during the Bowie Outside tour, but come on deep inside you must really think that this awful smithS songwriter isnt a cool guy like fred durst...note freddy does TRL, access hollywood, and howard stern unlike mozzilla

Morrissey is ten times the star Fred will ever be, Moz has class, style and is a great f***ing songwriter! Much, much better than Fred will ever be!
Moz is cool just because he's Moz, he does have to do TRL, though I'm sure some of he's fans would like that, but most of us like that he doesn't. We like that not everyone knows who Moz is, that you have to LISTEN to music for a little while before you're usually introduced to him and the Smiths. How will people appreicate Smiths music if it assoicated with all that modern pop crap that's out there!

check out Roper!
Morrissey on TRL Tuesday 03/05/02

ironically, Morrissey was featured quite prominently on TRL yesterday.

i don't know the guy's name, but do you know that young, bald, stalky fellow who speaks way too enthusiastically and has all those "cool" Star Wars tattoos all over his arms and body? (he does that "strange relationship" bit for mtv news)

anyway, yesterday he was wearing a b+w tee with a huge image of Moz on it. i've actually never seen that shirt before... it might have even been homemade. carson was asking him about his tattoos and the camera panned his upper body for quite a bit of time and showed the t-shirt up close.

did anyone in the entire studio take notice? probably not. they were all there for Brandy...

Re: Cool is having the courage to be unique in this comformist world
Re: Cool is having the courage to be unique in this conformist world (correction)
trailer trash vs cool

" guy like fred durst..."

fred durst is cool?

all those trash rock/rap band members are fat, bald trailer trash - including Fred Durst. there's nothing cool about that, the emotionally retarded lyrics they all write, or the grossly un-melodic tunes they play - even the Sex Pistols were catchier and they practically didn't play their instruments at all!

John Lydon
Noel Gallagher
Ian Brown
Marc Bolan

That's a list of the coolest people in music, and Morrissey definitely fits there, too. What makes him cool? The same things that make the other people on that list cool - great songs, great hair, great fashion-sense, an extreme lack of interest in what other people think, and most importantly, they all have something valuable to say. I think of Ron Kray (or was it Reg?)when he said, "you've got nothing to say and you're saying it too loudly." The Fred Dursts of the world think they have something to say, but really it's nothing and they shouldn't say it so loudly. It makes me sad that people like him and Brittany are going to be what America has to show for rock heros in the future.
Oh yeah - all those bands from that little Fred Durst genre also have the most unappealing voices on this earth.
Re: Cool is having the courage to be unique in this comformist world

When you try to be unique, you fight against the system wich will easilly eat you. Moz became a cliché.
Re: Morrissey on TRL Tuesday 03/05/02

Carlos, you homely rice and bean eating short illegal alien. Go back to your country where you belong. You are not wanted here - you are detested here. We are all sick and tired of reading your moronic and inane posts everywhere on this site. Get out of your roach infested flat once in a while and breath some fresh air. Time is short you know. Pla ta no anyone? )

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