
...the 70's! Has anyone else been watching this? It comes on and I'm glued to the television for hours, like a gnat to 60 watt light bulb.
It's not as impressive to me as I love the 80's was because I was much too young to remember much of what they were talking about from the 70's first hand. But it's been educational. For example, I knew that Americans failed to take on the use of the metric system. What I didn't know was that the changover to the metric system was an edict that was actually signed into law by the president. It's nice to learn new things.
Also, it gave a nice insight into the general cultural consciousness. According to the program, punk sprang full-blown into the public awareness in 1977. No air time was given to what lead up to punk, or even to the fact that it originated in America, and specifically, in NY. No mention so far of Blondie, Talking Heads, or Television and the most that was said of the Ramones is that they were ugly. They showed a brief, brief clip of the New York Dolls and the cover of Raw Power, but that was it, folks. I suppose to the average person it did seem to come virtually from nowhere. All of a sudden, here were some kids sporting oddly colored hair and safety pins...It couldn't have been all-inclusive, I know. Somehow they failed to mention that I was born in 1977. An event of positively historic proportions, oh, my brothers. But, oh, well. Still a wonderful way to while away an otherwise sucky evening ending up a sucky day.

Mo Rocca was funny in some parts, yes. But the absolute kings of the I Love the whatever-f***ing-decade-we-at-VH1-are-doing-this-week are unquestionably Hal Sparks, who seems to be miffed and outraged by most things in American culture over the 70's and 80's except for Kiss and Star Wars, and Michael Ian Black, who I decided last night is my secret husband. Secret because he is already married. But I can't linger over small details like that. This man is amazing. He is deadpan, he is sarcastic, he is softly spoken. As we learned during the 1988 section of I Love the 80's, he could have gotten in there with the hippie chicks and worn tie-dye to get laid, but he was listening to Morrissey instead, so of course, he wins massive points right there. His head is an almost perfectly round shape, which I find attractive in a demented sort of way. What more can you want in a husband? I don't watch Ed. I never will. But I live for Michael Ian Black on I Love whatever-the-f*** shows. He pumps my gnads.

Now, having said that, is gnads spelled with a 'g'? I'm afraid it's going to have to be for the purposes of differentiating it from that green, slimy Australian hair removal product Nads that was sweeping the nation a few years back. You could use it to make a failed attempt to remove large sections of hair from your legs, painfully, and then eat the excess because the ingredients were all-natural! Wow. If that stuff had anything to do with gonads...well, that's a sentence best left unfinished. What was I babbling about?

Oh, yes. I Love the 70's. Watch it. And coming in October? I Love the 80's Strikes Back! where they tackle all the things overlooked in I Love the 80's...like jazzercise...
Yeah, it's pretty good.

Did you ever watch The State on MTV? Michael Ian Black was on it, as were a couple of people on Reno 911. It had its moments.

Born in 1977? Christ.
Re: Yeah, it's pretty good.

> Did you ever watch The State on MTV? Michael Ian Black was on it, as were
> a couple of people on Reno 911. It had its moments.

No, I somehow seem to have missed that. I think you can get it on dvd, or you'll be able to get it soon. I'll check it out once it becomes available.

> Born in 1977? Christ.

And just what does that mean, Mister?
I've got porno mags older'n you.

You're like, a baby. Are you even old enough to drive?

Some of us actually remember the 1970s

(I, uhh, grew into the lips)

Cute pic!

> You're like, a baby. Are you even old enough to drive?

> Some of us actually remember the 1970s

> (I, uhh, grew into the lips)

Yes, the last time I checked people in most states could drive legally at age 26! I'd hardly call myself a baby. If you catch me in the right mood, I probably wouldn't object to you calling me baby, though.

No, I don't remember the 70's, only some of the fallout that lingered or made it into syndication in the early 80's. I remember Shrinky Dinks. I remember Captain Kangaroo. Perhaps I'd remember more if my mother hadn't insisted on getting a saddle block...damn those first three lost, drugged out years...
Now you're just making me feel bad.

Saddle Block is one of my nicknames. Don't know why women call me that. They never seemed to object BEFORE starting. But it's always "Oww!" "Owww!!" once we start. Poor me.
Re: Now you're just making me feel bad.

> Saddle Block is one of my nicknames. Don't know why women call me that.
> They never seemed to object BEFORE starting. But it's always
> "Oww!" "Owww!!" once we start. Poor me.

Haha. I'm more inclined to think, "Those poor women!" Are you sure you've been using the right hole?
Yeah. I've tried everything.

Different positions, potions. Maybe someday I'll find the right woman. She has to be out there...
Everybody's always looking for the 'right' person...

> Different positions, potions. Maybe someday I'll find the right woman. She
> has to be out there...

Well, I hate to lick the red off your lollipop, but you won't find the 'right' person. The 'right' person doesn't exist. You have to make do with finding as much 'right' in people that are wrong for you as you can.

There are no soulmates. The world is just a place full of people to get their rocks off and use each other for titillation to distract themselves from the fact that one day they'll disappear to God-knows-where as if they didn't matter. You know why? Because we don't matter. We're a failed experiment. And there is no redemption for us.
Better make that a double, Dumbles.

You sound like you need a vacation worse than I do (something I would have thought impossible).

Everything is going to be alright. It always is.

Hot bath. Little Morrissey, maybe some chocolate.
I want to...I want to be someone else or I'll explode...

> You sound like you need a vacation worse than I do (something I would have
> thought impossible).

> Everything is going to be alright. It always is.

> Hot bath. Little Morrissey, maybe some chocolate.

Thanks for the concern. I don't know if chocolate is a viable treatment for disillusionment and self-pity for other people, but it's never worked on me.

And Morrissey...I had a shot this morning. "Stop Me..."

"Nothing's changed, I still love you, oh, I still love you. Only slightly less than I used to, my love..." But the solace only lasts until the song is over.

Now...what song is my subject line from? Do you know? If you do, you'll win my admiration.
You'll never get ahead by only listening to the radio & talkshow hosts, dear.
I knew I could rely on you...

...Now, did you Google to find the song, or did you already know it from being a Radiohead fan?
I cannot tell a lie


Radiohead is one of those bands that I don't listen to intentionally and that I feel guilty by avoiding. Everyone says "Oh if you like Morrissey, you'll LOVE Radiohead".

If the songs I have heard, like Fake Plastic Trees and Karma Police, are the radio-friendly songs, I don't even want to think about what the rest of their stuff is like. I'm down with the frown, but there is enough unhappy in the world.
I had a feeling...

Still, I'm touched you made the effort. I don't find Radiohead's songs to be sad. I don't find any music to be sad. To me, it's either moving or it isn't. And I like to be moved. When you're moved, you feel alive. Or I do, anyway. But they're not for everybody, and that's fair enough. I love Karma Police, but I don't like Fake Plastic Trees at all. Oh, no.

> Google.

> Radiohead is one of those bands that I don't listen to intentionally and
> that I feel guilty by avoiding. Everyone says "Oh if you like
> Morrissey, you'll LOVE Radiohead".

> If the songs I have heard, like Fake Plastic Trees and Karma Police, are
> the radio-friendly songs, I don't even want to think about what the rest
> of their stuff is like. I'm down with the frown, but there is enough
> unhappy in the world.

> Now, having said that, is gnads spelled with a 'g'? I'm afraid it's going
> to have to be for the purposes of differentiating it from that green,
> slimy Australian hair removal product Nads that was sweeping the nation a
> few years back. You could use it to make a failed attempt to remove large
> sections of hair from your legs, painfully, and then eat the excess
> because the ingredients were all-natural! Wow. If that stuff had anything
> to do with gonads...well, that's a sentence best left unfinished. What was
> I babbling about?
Nads works but you have to follow the directions exactly with the soap to use and going with or against the way your hair grows. It lasts longer than Nair and it doesn't have that disgusting smell. Someone I know used regular Nair instead of getting a brazilan Wax and she ended up in the ER. Then she used that stuff on HSN Sylvester Stallons wife sells and she had all these red blotches all over her arms and on her face.

> Oh, yes. I Love the 70's. Watch it. And coming in October? I Love the 80's
> Strikes Back! where they tackle all the things overlooked in I Love the
> 80's...like jazzercise...
They were talking about the best movie ever...Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
> They were talking about the best movie ever...Willy Wonka and the
> Chocolate Factory.

They were? And, of course, I missed it. I miss everything. Let me guess...I Love 1971? Or was it 1970? I'll have to try and catch those. I started watching at 1972.
> They were? And, of course, I missed it. I miss everything. Let me
> guess...I Love 1971? Or was it 1970? I'll have to try and catch those. I
> started watching at 1972.
I think it was 71. I was switching channels and I saw Augustus Gloop. Definatley not to be missed.
I want the world
I want the whole world
give it to me now.
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