Doesn't matter. I'll always be a fan.



I've been a fan since about 1986. My fascination with Moz & his lyrics ebbs and flows. When it's at it's high points, I listen to cd after cd, over and over, day and night. But even at my lowest rotation, I still listen to Moz and The Smiths at least a couple of times a week. Each week. For 16 years.

My first Moz show was the Chicago Maladjusted show when he walked off stage after 30 minutes. I was hurt and sad. But guess what? I bought Early Burglary and I listen to it often.

I've got tickets to the Friday Vegas show on this tour. Will he cancel? I hope not. Will I throw a fit and scream about his lack of respect? Nope. To say the least, I'll be truly disappointed. But I love Moz. It's a give and take thing. He's given me 16 YEARS of enjoyment, music, support, discussion. And I've given him a couple hundred bucks and a couple hours of my time. Yeah, he owes me big in this relationship. NOT.

Canceling a tour is poor business planning. Logistics get muddled. Finances get screwed. Vendors, venues, crews, management. Business. Not music. I'm not in it for the business. I'm in it for the music.
bla bla bla,
Morrissey f***ed me over for a plane ticket and hotel reservations, $558.00..
Morrissey doesn't give a f*** about you or any of his loyal fans..
so f*** HIM!!!
Sorry for your financial loss.

Sucks to lose that kind of money, especially if you're not rollin' in dough. And you've got a right to be pissed.

You might try ebaying your plane ticket. You can certainly get a refund for the show ticket. Call the hotel and ask to speak to the manager, they might work with you if you're nice about it.

But I'd hate for you to lose your love of the music if it ever meant anything to you. That would be like getting screwed twice.
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