Do you support chemical castration for convicted rapists?

Do you?

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 70.4%
  • No

    Votes: 8 29.6%

  • Total voters
i would imagine that if more rapists were chemically castrated, then more would just resort to using foreign objects in their commission of a sexual assault :eek:
but i could be wrong :confused:
Chemical, no.

Machete, yes. :p

Again, no. Sexual assaults may be proven simply by an 'allegation', barring any evidence. I've read horror story after horror story of men falsely accused and convicted on a woman's word alone, with little or no evidence.

I believe the burden of proof must be substancially higher than it is now in cases like this, to prevent false allegations, but that is another matter. As for the Chemical castration, no. Not permenent, but having drugs shot into you against your will is not something I support, especially when so many innocent men may be subjected to it.

Do I understand why people support it? Yes. But much like the death penalty, I cannot support something like this when innocents may suffer because of it.
I've thought about this too. What about repeat offenders?

Well of course Arsenal will tell us that 20% of repeat offenders are falsely accused :rolleyes:
The use of Depo-Provera can cause several side effects including weight gain, fatigue, thromboembolism, malaise, hypertension, mild depression, hypoglycemia and rare changes in liver enzymes. Chemical castration may increase blood pressure in males, sometimes to dangerous levels. Chemical castration may sometimes cause gynecomastia, a side effect that is sometimes treated with tamoxifen. Other side effects, such as the formation of abnormal fat deposits in the liver, are being investigated.

Still... sounds like a better deal then the person who was raped got.
I've thought about this too. What about repeat offenders?

Repeat false accusations are known to happen. Many women are serial false accusers. There was a case in England of a man named Warren Blackwell, who spent 3 years in prison, convicted of rape based solely on the word of a woman, no proof, no witnesses, nothing.

Three years later, the police find out (actually, they knew all along) that this woman was batshit insane and a serial false accuser, who had accused men repeatedly in the past until they were jailed.

Mr. Blackwell was never even in the same area as this woman on the night in question, and had witnesses to back that up, but was thrown in prison regardless.

If it could happen to him once, could it not happen again?

Much like my stance with the death penalty, I stand by my views on this issue. There is simply not way to ensure the truly guilty parties are the one receiving the forced punishment, there just isn't.
they should get life.then there is no need to even worry about it,lock 'em up and throw away the key.then if they are found to have been wrongly accused, they can be released, but from what i have read, there really is no "cure" for them, so if they are guilty ,let them rot away in jail for life.
i dont know about the repeat offenders part, but rape does have a higher chance than most crimes of possibly being based on false accusation alone

Well, I think a guy who repeatedly gets convicted of date rape is just as guilty and deserving as punishment as any other violent offender.
now that i think about it, more women might accuse guys of rape if they thought he was gone get chemical castration :eek:
i can imagine it now, some chick saying to herself:
"I'll show that bastard, he won't f*ck anybody ever again!"
scary man, scary :(
they should get life.then there is no need to even worry about it,lock 'em up and throw away the key.then if they are found to have been wrongly accused, they can be released, but from what i have read, there really is no "cure" for them, so if they are guilty ,let them rot away in jail for life.

rape should be more harshly punished for sure
but should a statutory rapist get life?
then maybe underage girls should go to jail for coming into clubs with fake IDs :cool:
Repeat false accusations are known to happen. Many women are serial false accusers. There was a case in England of a man named Warren Blackwell, who spent 3 years in prison, convicted of rape based solely on the word of a woman, no proof, no witnesses, nothing.

Three years later, the police find out (actually, they knew all along) that this woman was batshit insane and a serial false accuser, who had accused men repeatedly in the past until they were jailed.

Mr. Blackwell was never even in the same area as this woman on the night in question, and had witnesses to back that up, but was thrown in prison regardless.

That's terrible. Was the woman charged with anything afterwards?
rape should be more harshly punished for sure
but should a statutory rapist get life?
then maybe underage girls should go to jail for coming into clubs with fake IDs :cool:

Cases involving clubs, yes, Club should be prosecuted, Girls should be prosecuted, but ultimately Guy is responsible because nobody forced him to have sex with a total stranger. If you behave irresponsibly, you pay the price.

A Teacher who has sex with their student most definitely should be punished to the full extent of the law, both male and female. Enough with the double standard, enough with the mental instability crap, wrong is wrong.
Cases involving clubs, yes, Club should be prosecuted, Girls should be prosecuted, but ultimately Guy is responsible because nobody forced him to have sex with a total stranger. If you behave irresponsibly, you pay the price.
wow, you are bit of a right wing loon on this
so a 21 year old guy who meets a 16 year old at a club, gets drunk, then sleeps with her
he should go to jail for life!
thats nuts SNS22, completely nuts...

ps: as a door man, i have seen many fake IDs, most i have seen were used by 16 and 17 year old girls
no means no! paraphilia
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