A suggestion for the millions of people here who seem to have his home address



How about if when people ask for his address to send him something, one of you volunteers to forward the letter/gift/whatever on to him, rather than give his address out. From the number of people going to his house it sounds like more than enough already know, let's try to have some respect for the man - we know how much he values his privacy.
Also, I can't help worrying that someday it will fall into the hands of some total psychopath, and that something bad might happen to him.
I'm sure people only share it with people who have a reasonable story and sound sane, but if they're planning to camp in front of his house or break in to steal his underwear, they're hardly going to tell you that, are they.
> How about if when people ask for his address to send him something, one of
> you volunteers to forward the letter/gift/whatever on to him, rather than
> give his address out. From the number of people going to his house it
> sounds like more than enough already know, let's try to have some respect
> for the man - we know how much he values his privacy.
> Also, I can't help worrying that someday it will fall into the hands of
> some total psychopath, and that something bad might happen to him.
> I'm sure people only share it with people who have a reasonable story and
> sound sane, but if they're planning to camp in front of his house or break
> in to steal his underwear, they're hardly going to tell you that, are
> they.

well, it's just sad that people who have his address are also the one's who post hateful, innane comments.
those are the people that f***ing don't need his HOME address
let us not forget either,
morrissey knew when he signed on to be the "champion of the underdogs", etc that he would be the recipient of many a sincere letter or book of poetry. god knows he wasn't a fanatic.
who are you to say who gets his address and who doesn't?
f***ing forget it.
i mean, i love morrissey and want to send him an innocent enough gift/letter but to have to be subjected to your scruitny
(ya right i'll forward this rare, beautiful, black and white james dean still (which i amazingly found,paid for and refubished it to boot) to one of you guys and you can send it on
since you're already privy to having his address
you know we wouldn't want some f***ing nuts to get his address
Well you've kind of proved my point, haven't you? Your first post seemed so civilised, but with the slightest provocation, you snap.
Believe me, I think the world would be a far far better and safer place for Morrissey if no one here had his address. I didn't say the people who have it should have it, yes, some of them are nice, sincere, considerate fans who would never dream of going to his house, but as we've seen, a lot of them are, if not stalkers, at least selfish enough to put their own wishes (to meet him) above Morrissey's (to be left alone when he's at home).
But I can tell you that there are actually a lot of really nice people here too, and I think you could find someone trustworthy to send your gift on.
I didn't write that message in response to you personally, but I just don't think people should be giving his address out. Lately people have been damaging his property and it's been bad enough that apparently he has been calling the police if fans turn up at his house. He shouldn't have to live like that, and people have got to stop giving his address out or else it will only get worse.
Having said that, I'm sure he would really appreciate your gift, it sounds like something he would really like. Couldn't you give it to him at one of the shows? If you don't want to give it to him while he's on stage, it's usually possible to meet the band on their way in and I'm sure one of them would give it to him for you.
> Well you've kind of proved my point, haven't you? Your first post seemed
> so civilised, but with the slightest provocation, you snap.
> Believe me, I think the world would be a far far better and safer place
> for Morrissey if no one here had his address. I didn't say the people who
> have it should have it, yes, some of them are nice, sincere, considerate
> fans who would never dream of going to his house, but as we've seen, a lot
> of them are, if not stalkers, at least selfish enough to put their own
> wishes (to meet him) above Morrissey's (to be left alone when he's at
> home).
> But I can tell you that there are actually a lot of really nice people
> here too, and I think you could find someone trustworthy to send your gift
> on.
> I didn't write that message in response to you personally, but I just
> don't think people should be giving his address out. Lately people have
> been damaging his property and it's been bad enough that apparently he has
> been calling the police if fans turn up at his house. He shouldn't have to
> live like that, and people have got to stop giving his address out or else
> it will only get worse.
> Having said that, I'm sure he would really appreciate your gift, it sounds
> like something he would really like. Couldn't you give it to him at one of
> the shows? If you don't want to give it to him while he's on stage, it's
> usually possible to meet the band on their way in and I'm sure one of them
> would give it to him for you.

the only reason i get so defensive is bc
it's unfair being "a sincere, loving, devoted moz apostle"
all i have wanted to do is send this damn picture and Tru play to him for about 4 years now.
i saw him in vegas but didn't even toy with the idea of bring the picture (as it's quite stunning, and probably i'm a fool to want to give it to him)
but i felt as though it's something he would truly appreciate. god knows what he's done for me.
also, i'm a firm believer in leaving morrissey alone. a gift, letter, card - fine
but i would never bother him. even if i saw him out in public i would have the good sense to leave him alone. and i wouldn't dare go to his house. I"ve been to, London and Dublin/Dun Laoghaire recently and i didn't run about Temple Bar asking if anyone knew where morrissey lived. even while in LA i would never had dreamed of going to his house (1 i didn't have his address) (2 that would be tacky)

i stubbled off a slot machine in las vegas and to my surprise Gary Day was standing right next to me. My words to him , "i love you guys" and with that i walked away.

it's just unfair that some ruin it for the lot of others
that's all
At the risk of getting eaten...Morrissey all but gave out his address last night on CK.
If you want to send Moz that picture so badly......

Perhaps you should send an email to David T. I'm sure David has Morrissey's address, and he's trustworthy enough...maybe David will give you his own personal home address, you could mail it to David, and David could see that Morrissey receives your gift.
> Well you've kind of proved my point, haven't you? Your first post seemed
> so civilised, but with the slightest provocation, you snap.
> Believe me, I think the world would be a far far better and safer place
> for Morrissey if no one here had his address. I didn't say the people who
> have it should have it, yes, some of them are nice, sincere, considerate
> fans who would never dream of going to his house, but as we've seen, a lot
> of them are, if not stalkers, at least selfish enough to put their own
> wishes (to meet him) above Morrissey's (to be left alone when he's at
> home).
> But I can tell you that there are actually a lot of really nice people
> here too, and I think you could find someone trustworthy to send your gift
> on.

If someone is bordering on being a stalker, I'm quite sure they have enough info to track down his house. He gave more than enough info last night on The Late, Late Show for anyone who wants to go to the trouble.

I sure don't want it. I get all I need from the man from his CDs and the occasional concert.

> I didn't write that message in response to you personally, but I just
> don't think people should be giving his address out.

I wouldn't disagree with that. However, except for those who have insider contacts, it seems to me the people who already have his address are the more likely stalker suspects!

> Lately people have
> been damaging his property and it's been bad enough that apparently he has
> been calling the police if fans turn up at his house.

Hmm. See, now, why would you know this? It's creepy that you know this! The stalker is the person who told you this...unless you heard it from a close friend of the guy.
> If someone is bordering on being a stalker, I'm quite sure they have
> enough info to track down his house. He gave more than enough info last
> night on The Late, Late Show for anyone who wants to go to the trouble.

Well you would think, but as far as I know, no one has managed to work it out just from the clues he's given out.

> I wouldn't disagree with that. However, except for those who have insider
> contacts, it seems to me the people who already have his address are the
> more likely stalker suspects!

Well obviously it has already fallen into the hands of many people who are pretty scary, but that's no reason to make the situation even worse by continuing to give it out.

> Hmm. See, now, why would you know this? It's creepy that you know this!
> The stalker is the person who told you this...unless you heard it from a
> close friend of the guy.

I'm surprised anything I said was news to you, people talk about it here all the time. Look back for a posting by Strangeways, she interrogated Morrissey's gardener. And people have often mentioned here what happened to his new car. Do you remember when there was that weird item on the news page asking for information on some people in a brown car seen in Hollywood? Well it seems they gave Morrissey's car a good kicking because he wouldn't sign stuff for them. Lovely.
Good idea

That's a great idea, David is very trustworthy and if he says he'll do it he will. I don't think he'd do it for just anyone who wanted to send him a fan letter, but explain about your gifts and hopefully he'll do it for you. That print sounds like something Morrissey would really appreciate, I hope you do find a way to get it to him.
i am not in possession of morrissey's home address, but i'm sure it is very easy to procure. he lives in a very famous house. he even discussed it on the craig kilborn show. fans apparently stop by all the time and peacefully take pictures in front of the gate and things like that. i'm sure if any of you went and bought one of those maps of the star's homes from a streetvendor, you'd find it very easily, as long as you knew the history of the house.
Nope, it's not on any of the star maps, Gable had it built but he didn't live there. And there are numerous houses all over the LA area that Gable lived in anyway.
Don't kid yourself that all the fans are peaceful and considerate, an awful lot are extremely intrusive, and some even abusive. He wouldn't have security guards and have them arrested without good reason.
okay, okay, i apologise for speaking in generalities. the fans i know who have visited the house have been extremely respectful, but then i dont really run with the rowdies. anyway, are you sure it isnt on any star maps? obviously gable didnt live there because i believe he built it for carole lombard who died quite soon after the nuptials in a tragic plane crash. even so, a lot of famous people have lived there over the years, which would suggest to me that it is probably included in some of those damn map thingys.
argh, why do i keep forgetting to use the option that allows me to erase my posts? oh well, i'll never learn. anyway, i could be wrong about everything i just said, in which case, please, please, please correct me! (in any case, it might send some of the rowdies to which i have alluded on a wild and fruitless goose chase, which would be funny.)
Does Morrissey live in Encino

Does Morrissey live in Encino? If he does then the person was right about you being able to go to the celebrity address things and finding his address. I did a quick search on one of the sites and it gave me an address in Encino. I'm not sure if this is the correct address or not. Just checking to see if it is really that easy to find his address.

> okay, okay, i apologise for speaking in generalities. the fans i know who
> have visited the house have been extremely respectful, but then i dont
> really run with the rowdies. anyway, are you sure it isnt on any star
> maps? obviously gable didnt live there because i believe he built it for
> carole lombard who died quite soon after the nuptials in a tragic plane
> crash. even so, a lot of famous people have lived there over the years,
> which would suggest to me that it is probably included in some of those
> damn map thingys.

Now, I've never been to Morrissey's house, but I do know what street it is on. I think this whole Gable thing is a red herring - at least the part about him building it for Lombard. Gable may have lived there at some point but never with Lombard. They lived in Encino, on an estate now owned be junk bond king Michael Milkens.

Clark Gable info
Re: Gable

thank you for enlightening me. after i made that post, i found my books on old hollywood and sure enough, i was wrong, just as you said. i have a hard time keeping all those facts straight. anyway, i am human and i can be wrong.
> Well obviously it has already fallen into the hands of many people who are
> pretty scary, but that's no reason to make the situation even worse by
> continuing to give it out.

Agreed. Before anyone gives out his address, take a trip to your video store and rent The King of Comedy to see what the consequences may be!

> I'm surprised anything I said was news to you, people talk about it here
> all the time. Look back for a posting by Strangeways, she interrogated
> Morrissey's gardener. And people have often mentioned here what happened
> to his new car. Do you remember when there was that weird item on the news
> page asking for information on some people in a brown car seen in
> Hollywood? Well it seems they gave Morrissey's car a good kicking because
> he wouldn't sign stuff for them. Lovely.

I missed those threads!

I get the impression (from a few interviews anyway) that Morrissey is somewhat proud of the fact his fans are so rabid that they even sleep in his trees.
But he also seems like such a nice guy, and such a private guy, I can't imagine why anyone would do some of the things we hear about.
some girls and boys are bigger than others meet morrissey in front of his house!

> argh, why do i keep forgetting to use the option that allows me to erase
> my posts? oh well, i'll never learn. anyway, i could be wrong about
> everything i just said, in which case, please, please, please correct me!
> (in any case, it might send some of the rowdies to which i have alluded on
> a wild and fruitless goose chase, which would be funny.)

hey, just did an internet search and found this:
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