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  1. I

    Gustavo Manzur

    Harsh Truth and goinghome I'm glad you read the thread and took it with a shot of humour. My intention was to give my point of view on my personal taste on music (btw, I have lived in south america for the past 32 years so I know that song fairly well) But anyways, I never meant to offend...
  2. I

    Gustavo Manzur

    Thank you, but no thank you. Would rather listen to my The Smiths/Morrissey Records!!!
  3. I

    Gustavo Manzur

    Have any of you guys checked Gustavo Manzur's music background? To be honest, I cannot quite understand this, taken in march 2011. I can't picture Moz sitting watching his fellow band member play this type of icky-yucky music. He's got better taste than this, c'mon! I don't think he deserves...
  4. I

    Morrissey's Finger 'Remains Broken'! Source: TTY

    What's up with Morrissey's fingers? Have any of you noticed lately the colored tapes on some of his fingers? What's up with that?? Hmmm...I wonder what's going on there...
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