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New York, NY (Feb. 29, 2000)

Re: Sightings and songs

Posted By: donny kidd <[email protected]>
Date: Thursday, Mar. 2 2000, at 11:46 p.m.

In Response To: Sightings and songs (MrOnion)

> I just came across this board while meandering through the site,
> so here are my tardy impressions:

> - Our party chose dinner over the opening act (how were they?)
> and, as a result, found ourselves casually strolling down 75th
> St. at about 8:45pm or so. Looking across the street, I noticed
> a group of no more than 10-15 people loitering around an open
> door. Large, bouncer-type men took up most of the entrance way,
> and I figured I was merely witnessing a line forming to get into
> one of those secretive NYC clubs that are too posh to even have
> signage. Never one to deny a curious urge, from across the
> street I peered more closely inside the club to have a look at
> how these covert institutions decorate themselves. Right when I
> uttered to myself "what the hell is a dumpster doing in a
> club?", a black Lincoln town car quickly pulled up to the
> entranceway. What ensued was one of those silent
> "nooooooooo" moments that occur in slow motion when
> you've been duped by a movie or life itself.

> The door of the car was opened with vigor, producing what my
> first impression deemed to be "some dude with tremendous
> sideburns." "There he is," I casually remarked to
> my two female companions, who were quickly reduced to
> subconscious ramblings of "is that? omigod! oh my god, it
> is!" etc.

> Anyway, to finish this little book, we watched him saunter into
> the side entrance of the Beacon to light, intermittent clapping.
> He seemed almost reticent, flashing a closed-mouth, awkward
> smile and bow of the head. He seemed to pause at the entrance,
> considering perhaps to shake a fans hand, but was then quickly
> whisked inside. I then proceeded into the theater, laughing at
> myself, with two formerly composed women floating my my side.

> - Aside from our little pre-concert moment, the remainder of our
> experience was quite mortal. We sat in the Beacon's upper
> stratosphere, where the acoustics seemed to suffer greatly. I
> wished I had plugs with me, as I was truly able to hear the
> nuances of Morrissey's voice with my fingers shoved in my ears.
> (Should've wadded up some TP during my various forays to the
> restroom, but my mind was on avoiding wetting myself during
> those tense moments. Funny how quickly $6 beers come and go).

> - I wish *everyone* danced during a Morrissey show.

> - I've seen several references to his encore of "Drive In
> Saturday" by David Bowie. I can see the point of many who
> haven't heard the song before, but I was rather pleased having
> been a lifelong Bowie fan. So, I sang the song as a duet, and
> found no gaffes on his part as he requested. For those who
> wondered about the 'Internet' reference, he replaced the last
> word of the line: "Cursing at the astronet" with
> internet. So, those of you who were galled at his recognition of
> that medium might find salve in the way in which he did it.

> - Loved the show, need to see more.

> ((|))
That is the same door I saw him romp into when the Smiths played the Beacon in 1985. Billy Idol was right behind him. My how things change.

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