you people are sick


jose baeza

I think every one who thinks there all tuff and @#!!! like all these people who say morrissey is guy just because of the way he is i think it is time for every one to stop acting like there the @#!!! and stop being bitters and possers all you people saying morrissey is guy because of what he sings is wrong because if you heard the songs you would know what they are about not about loving some one as fags but as loving the person for what he did all you people are a buch of sluts and fags
>all you people are a buch of sluts and fags

or worse, both!
> I think every one who thinks there all tuff and @#!!! like all
> these people who say morrissey is guy just because of the way he
> is i think it is time for every one to stop acting like there
> the @#!!! and stop being bitters and possers all you people
> saying morrissey is guy because of what he sings is wrong
> because if you heard the songs you would know what they are
> about not about loving some one as fags but as loving the person
> for what he did all you people are a buch of sluts and fags


"guy" = "gay"
"bitters and possers" = "biters and poseurs"
"there" = "they're"
"buch" = "bunch"

and you're pretty much a retard. Congrats!

Cliche' busta
Re: you people are sick (Sic)??

Please learn about punctuation, so that your sentences make sense.
English is not that difficult to learn. If you intend to slag people off, then make sure you learn how to type and spell.

Thank You.
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