What do you think of 'That's How People Grow Up'

What do you think of the brand new Morrissey single, 'That's How People Grow Up'?

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I think its great, because its so funny. For me it absolutely resonates all Morrissey's themes from the the very first Smiths outing. That performance on Letterman is magnificent because Moz is laughing inside and Letterman knows it but cant say a thing.

Let me live before I die

I was driving my car, I crashed an broke my spine

Fantstically amusing.....If you are after absolute soul searching with every release then you are buying the wrong artiste...Moz can be amusing too
So you're saying Moz is resurrecting Uncle? :confused: You have me completely baffled!

No, I'm saying the title is a phonetic progression.

1. Kill.
2. Unkill.

to be interpreted as

1. Die.
2. Resurrect.

It's all very heady if you know the key.
Not one of his deepest lyrically, but very catchy. Kinda like Roy's Keen, which I also happen to like very much.
How many theads do we need to discuss about the song?

Which of the 3 new songs do you like best?

The Meaning of "That's How People Grow Up"

"That's How People Grow Up" Press Release

THPGU single Promo Sleeve: Don't say I never give you anything...


I know I know I know.... More than four!!!!
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not very good, at all, but slightly better than 'life is a pigsty'. i don't think i'll bother buying it.
not very good, at all, but slightly better than 'life is a pigsty'. i don't think i'll bother buying it.
but what will you do when he plays it in January, hmmmmmmmmm?
but what will you do when he plays it in January, hmmmmmmmmm?

blow my nose to try to drown out the racket and then throw my wet hanky at him
blow my nose to try to drown out the racket and then throw my wet hanky at him
good idea, he'll like that! Though, i dread to think in that case, what you intent to do during 'Life is a Pigsty' 'First of the Gang to Die' or 'Every Day is Like a Sunday'
good idea, he'll like that! Though, i dread to think in that case, what you intent to do during 'Life is a Pigsty' 'First of the Gang to Die' or 'Every Day is Like a Sunday'

i'll blow my nose at them without a hanky and they will drown in my slimy snot.
Nice! remind me to bring an umbrella to the gig!

never mind your umbrella! if i run out of tissues and have to save it all up for a while, you'll need your inflatable armbands!
never mind your umbrella! if i run out of tissues and have to save it all up for a while, you'll need your inflatable armbands!
*makes note to ensure husband has tissues for gig and she has armbands*
Heard the studio version on Radio 2 today and the excitement of a new single hit me...I am now officially in love with this song!
Well if you would just have said that in the first place...:cool:

I just assumed it was soooooooo obvious. Jeez.
Average City methinks..............​
That's How People Grow Up sounded like poop

Hmm. I've been paying attention to music other than Morrissey for most of the past year or so. But I loved "All You Need Is Me" when I caught it on a Carson Daly rerun a few weeks back, and that has me excited about his new stuff.

But tonight I saw "That's How People Grow Up" on the same Carson Daly program and I have to say I thought the performance was a piece of shit. Maybe this song will be okay on the CD or whatever. I dunno. I didn't pay much attention to the lyrics as I've never heard the song before and they were hard to make out the first time. I was just mortified at how lame the band sounded. Outside of the keyboardist trying to give the song some sort of catchiness, it just sounded like one big generic mess of "rock music" slop.

Morrissey himself wore simply a polo shirt, was looking old, and nothing about his singing would've drawn me in had I not been a longtime follower of his music (as a longtime follower, obviously if he stood on stage and picked his nose it would have some amount of interst to me).

Honestly, I think if I'd never heard Morrissey before, this performance would not have made me even slightly interested in buying one of his CDs, mostly because of the lame backing music. What has happened to this band? Please tell me this song is better than this Carson Daly performance, because if this song is considered good enough to be a SINGLE I'm sincerely worried for the man. This is a guy and a band that used to put out singles as strong as "The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get" on a regular basis. Is he losing it? Does he think he can coast on sub-par material? Well, I did love "All You Need Is Me," so 1 for 2 on the upcoming songs is not so awful I guess. I just found it an astonishingly poor performance on Carson Daly, that's all.
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