
It is actually really funny how most all of you try to talk so proper when writing in these forums. There is an underlying attempt to sound either english or speaking as if you were Morrissey himself. It's cool and all to be into his music and possibly fashion yourself like him, but to try to talk all self righteous when youre just some kid from the U.S. is really pretty sad.
Somebody has some anger issues that needs to be dealt with, don't they? Perhaps you need a hobby.

Tch, tch...poor little fellow.
Heaven forbid anyone speak properly!

Be rash, be ungrammatically correct!
Slur, mumble, speak in run on sentences!
Just hold on to your slang talk!

Silly kids, English is for the Brits!
The problem is when people attempt, not when they are! It is only mortifying when bad and/or simple english is mixed with catchy english phrases or with an aristocrat tone. I don't have a deep problem with the issue, it just makes me cringe and I figured it would only be just to point it out. Speak with the words that you know not with the words that you think someone else would say or that someone will possibly judge you by.
> It is actually really funny how most all of you try to talk so
> proper

It's funny, considering how slangy and filthy and improper English English really is. Mate.
Heaven forbid the kids from anytown USA attempt to write and speak in proper english form. Sometimes it doesn't flow, sometimes it sounds a bit akward, but really, can you really slag someone for trying?
Don't try at all!

> It is actually really funny how most all of you try to talk so
> proper when writing in these forums. There is an underlying
> attempt to sound either english or speaking as if you were
> Morrissey himself. It's cool and all to be into his music and
> possibly fashion yourself like him, but to try to talk all self
> righteous when youre just some kid from the U.S. is really
> pretty sad.

Well, well, I come home and I find this messageboard in shambles; talks of Mexicans, race, and all sorts of other funny things. It almost seems like a different place doesn't it?

I just wanted to throw in my eight farthings on this subject. I've often wondered the same thing about some of the messages on this board because, really, it's not a question of speaking in proper or improper english. Some people are speaking in very obsolescent english which makes me wonder why. Unless you're 40 and your name is Morrissey, you really don't have an excuse, and you honestly do sound like you're trying very earnestly to have some sort of antiquated credibility. I don't understand it, and it honestly is a little bit funny! I've always felt that a writer should try his or her very best to write as he or she speaks. That way, there's a very natural quality to the writing. Some of the posts on this board feel so contrived, it becomes very distracting to read. When you find archaic, proper english coupled with salient grammatical errors in the same post, you immediately wonder about the integrity of the poster (if that's an accurate use of the word). I think you should jus type as you think and not worry about being Morrissey in words. That's just my very humble opinion though.

Jimmy, your message made me think of one experience I had at a Sundays concert where I overheard a bunch of american teenage "valley girls" telling each other to "piss off" and I thought it was really cute. i think it's a little bit silly to be perfectly honest, because American culture really is wonderful in how liberating it is. The only thing I miss about England is the ketchup! :)

One question: where is Consumer Monkey?

Merry [insert whatever holiday is yours here] everybody!

CILLI!!! Please e-mail me. I'd love to speak with you.

Sara, I don't know if you caught my other message to you but I would really love to speak with you again. I don't know if you remember me but we met in San Francisco at the Red Room, than again in that swanky Italian restaurant. "Head on the bar" remember? :) I've been thinking about you and I'd love to tell you some more jokes if you'd let me. If I don't hear from you again, I want you to know that I think you're the most beautiful and charming girl I've seen in a very long time. I hope you contact me. It would make me so happy...
Audrey Hepburn? It makes sense. :)

> The only thing I miss about England is the ketchup! :)

By the way, what about the ketchup?
Re: ketchup.

> By the way, what about the ketchup?

For those of you who don't know, the ketchup in England is much sweeter than what's here in America - and MUCH better. American ketchup is very spicy!
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