ticket for sale



I am selling one ticket for Morrissey at Roseland(NY) on 2-25-00 for regular price ($35.00). Please email me or call (212)228-3067!
Finally, someone selling at a reasonable price

Which makes you one dumb camel-hole of a snork! What is wrong with you lucky lisp? Instead of jacking off all the time perhaps you should think of jacking up the price on that golden Last Action hero ticket of yours..I'm sure there some desperado wanting to filch your ass for that ticket.

KeeeeerrrryyyyyyyyssssssssT...didn;t living in NY teach you anything? Just go back to Staten Island, get in your rotty camaro, hairspray that guidette do (spiderhair) of yours (make sure to shine that gold playboy bunny necklace your boyfriend Joey gotcha) and drive up to Arthur Kills Dump and pull a damn Thelma and Loise you ice cream slurping steaming pile of donkey spunk!

You are one stupid cow.

Moz in deeeeeeeeeeeaaeaeeaeaeaeeaeae Houzzzzeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaa!

Please, Please sell me the ticket to Roseland. I need it, desperately. I live in Connecticut, so if you required I could be out there to pay you tommorrow, or I can fed ex you cash, or whatever. Please Please Respond
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