The Thrills



Hi all,

Wasn't able to make it last night (cause I'm in Australia), but can anyone give a quick review on The Thrills?


They looked 'seventies'. Not IN their seventies, but the lead singer wore a hooped top and one of the guitarists had a velvet jacket on, the other a beige cardigan. I could hardly see the keyboard player who gave an Inspirals tint to it all. All had verying legths of long hair.

The music? Well, I kind of like them. I don't knwo the niche, but it was a bit sort of fey-rock/ twee/ C86. They may well kill me for that remark. Maybe a bit of Belle & Sebastian-ish, though not that 'arty'. The sound was such I couldn't make any of the lyrics out. Sorry.

Good. But nowhere near as good as Morrissey.

> Hi all,

> Wasn't able to make it last night (cause I'm in Australia), but can anyone
> give a quick review on The Thrills?

> Thanks

> K
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