The real party begins at dusk, please be late.



How can I write about an event that hasn't yet happened?

If I'm with it tommorrow-I'll do my best to not tell the truth.

Hasta Lluegos Chicos!

(I mean the masculine tense to INCLUDE both male AND female)
I have the unique ability to see into tonight's party...

I see the first dressed as chickens, I believe, arriving shortly after 9:00 p.m.

But, Morrissey is not there. No, what's this...the news is bad...oh, no...the B-Day bash is cancelled! Morrissey got a little too excited about things and began celibrating early this morning at about 2:30 a.m.-thanks to all of the encouraging birthday wishes from all his fans.

Lights out Baby! Nighty, Night!

That's all, then I just see a wall, and nothing more.

*I'll kindly accept any tokens you have to offer*
Damn it! I already my penguin suit too...lets get the rascal!

Who's with me? Or all you ALL just a bunch of chickens? Baaauuuk Baaak Baaak Baaak Baaauuuuuuk!!!!! Baaak Baaaak!
Stuff it you ingrate! Remember I have a foolproof plan...

Mozzy hasn't reached for the hard stuff yet.

But, Spikey has secretly added the poisen to Aunt Tilda's lemonade. She will awake tomorrow morning refreashed and remember nothing but her plans for Morrissey's B-day party, which she will believe has still yet to come.

Angel is currently working on the next phase of action.

Listen to the jots and tittles mates.
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