Sweet Jesus - She's at it again!!!!

What an idiot. I'm so glad Davit T finally put his foot down and canned her ass.
HAHAHA I'd wondered WHAT happened to her! You're right, Tom, at least it's no on this site! LMAO- thanks, Skinny, you scamp
what am i missing here?

can someone please fill those of us in who aren't sure what's going on here.
just search for messages posted by andy during 2 last months!

they must be near a thousand
Re: You're missing nothing

You're missing nothing dear. If you do a little search of messages posted by 'Andy e Ison.' [who apparently has a thing for Andy Rourke], you'll see loads and loads of inane messages.

> can someone please fill those of us in who aren't sure what's going on
> here.
Nobody replied to her ramblings!!! Scared a bit??? BTW, that's an old message, one month old.
ah, i see - thanks. how sad for this girl. but...

someone mentioned david t. fired her. fired her from what? did they mean ban her?
> What an idiot. I'm so glad Davit T finally put his foot down and canned
> her ass.

T.I don't mean to be cheeky but can't you get your friend to control herself
> T.I don't mean to be cheeky but can't you get your friend to control
> herself

Cheeky bastard. :p I'm afraid someone has loosened her restraints and she escaped from my dungeon. I will try to be more careful next time.
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