Summary of board revelations over the past few days for those who have been away


Random Dude

hey nonny nonny = baboon rimjob giver

Anonnymouse a.k.a. anonymuckus = baboon blower

Mr Improper = the PIMP of the nation (but we knew that one for some time already)
This is true........ I am the PIMP of the nation....and anonnymuckus....baboon blower.
> This is true........ I am the PIMP of the nation....and
> anonnymuckus....baboon blower.
and your girlfriends been givin all the guys hard ons for the past couple of days.
Well,she may be giving you guys hard ons...but she comes home to me every night. She knows who the true PIMP of the nation is?????? besides,if you see some of the thongs she wears,you'd have more than a "hard on". I do...simply magnifique!!!!!! She has a nicer ass than claudia schiffer.
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