Stage invasion



Just come back from seeing The Bluetones at Shepherd’s Bush Empire and am marvelling that our Morrissey can get people gagging to jump on stage with him, kiss and hug him and generally love him. The man is a god, whereas The Bluetones didn’t manage to get one single fan on stage – guess no one could be arsed and no one loves Mark Morriss anywhere as near as I love the ground Morrissey walks on.

Which makes me wonder, who out there in has invaded Morrissey’s stage and hugged the huge man? I’m unashamed to say I got thrown out of the show in Salisbury in, um ’99, after making lunge at his Mozness. My tactic, tame as it was, was to look harmless and docile with look that said ‘look at these silly doting kids’ on my face at the end of the railings. The security bloke was lulled into very false sense of security and allowed me inside the barrier. So, I think it was during ‘The more you ignore me’ I legged it towards Morrissey, he caught my eye and held out a hand, but I was dragged down by a second ugly guard who passed me back to the first who was miffed at being made a monkey of, and said ‘good night’; as he ejected me through the fire doors. But I tried, and I shall never forget. Morrissey wanted me to try. I know.

How far did you get?
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