Real ISSUES!!!!!boycotting CANADA???



Mozzer I am truly dissapointed in you ...I do not like killing of innocent animals as well but to boycott Canada is silly...make a real statement and show up in Canada do some conerts talk to your fans and the press and encourage those people to do something about it!!The real issues in life are starvation murder rape abortion............War....lets do something about those issues!!!!

Truly dissapointed!!!!
> Mozzer I am truly dissapointed in you ...I do not like killing of innocent
> animals as well but to boycott Canada is silly...make a real statement and
> show up in Canada do some conerts talk to your fans and the press and
> encourage those people to do something about it!!The real issues in life
> are starvation murder rape abortion............War....lets do something
> about those issues!!!!

> Truly dissapointed!!!!

who the f*** are you to say what the real issues are. ass. animal rights is a real issue to many including morrissey...don't tell us what the real issues each their own.

you should be dissapointed in yourself.
> who the f*** are you to say what the real issues are. ass. animal rights
> is a real issue to many including morrissey...don't tell us what the real
> issues each their own.

> you should be dissapointed in yourself.

its sad that so many put animals infront of HUMANS...I like your intelligent language too, you MUST be american....ha h a ah
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