Pictures on the Platinum Edition



A relevant post, I believe.

Anyway, has anyone noticed how:

1) All the pictures on the gallery are shown in alphabetical order of their title? I'll get me coat...

2) When suitably compressed, you can fit them all into 1.32MB?

And here's one of them...

> And here's one of them...

Why is Deano drinking lager through a straw?
> And here's one of them...

Thanks for the pic, is that one filed under B for boozer then?

Is that Alain in the background? Can't quite tell.
> Why is Deano drinking lager through a straw?

because something got stuck in his throat!
>Now, didn't I say he looked like Robert Mitchum!

Hello Miss M.

> No, that one is filed under G for "Gary Gets His Point Across"

> I believe the guy at the back is the famous Charlie Browne - here he is...
> Hello Miss M.

> No, that one is filed under G for "Gary Gets His Point Across"

> I believe the guy at the back is the famous Charlie Browne - here he is...

Oh right, I see the phone on the wall now. Come to think of it, that picture explains a lot! hee hee!
> because something got stuck in his throat!
Go wash your mouth out with soap!
> Go wash your mouth out with soap!

*gasp* me? maybe it was a stick of celery? me naughty? why, i've never! okay, maybe once.
> Looks like iced tea.

Right only in America then.
You go into a pub and order an "iced tea".
> And here's one of them...
I wonder what he's thinking then?
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