Panic Kareoke

> Burn down the disco, here you go, another kareoke song!

Thanks for all these karaokes! Now I can really torture my neighbors!

Any and all you have are more than welcome!
> Burn down the disco, here you go, another kareoke song!

i wanted to ask you about the more you ignore me inst. that you posted the other day, do you know who made it? where did you get it? is it anyone you know? thanks.
In one of my Friday night haunts, there were two karaoke songs by Moz - Let me kiss you, and Everyday is like Sunday. The DJ seemed to love the Smiths/Moz so had me up doing these two all the time. Went in the other week and he shouted me to look in the book, in which were about 15 Smiths/Moz songs. He said the disc was £13, but there are some great ones on it, like Sheila, What difference does it make, How soon is now?, Pregnant for the last time and loads more. I love that pub! Will have to ask him where he got it from next week.
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