Morrissey the 23rd writes a response to These Things take Time documentary.



This is the text of a response by Morrissey the 23rd to the Smiths/Morrissey documentary shown on the good ole British telly last night. He has asked me to post it for him, I have obliged.

"I have been asked to David Nolan. Who the hell is he? Looks like he will be remembered the same way we remember twats like Rogan. Should a new fatwa be announced?

This attempt of a biography on The Smiths is narrated by Vic Reeves, the real consumer monkey. Long gone are the days when he could be funny and without Bob, he always will fail. The main contributor is toss pot Johnny Rogan. Presumably as he is a confidant of Morrissey, at least in his own head. Morrissey is missing from this emission. Maybe due to, as stated on this programme several times, that he rarely gives interviews. With a character assassination jobs like These things take time, it is little wonder. Although, Janice Long managed easy enough last month and Craig Kilborn managed. Now he is a twat, surely Nolan could had done better than arrange animation to old recording of Morrissey.

Dale Hibbert bemoans that he would have been a member of The Smiths if it wasn't for the fact he had a wife and family, which wouldn't fit the gay image that the band had planned to adopt. Instead he... what ever did happen to him? Anyway, Nolan moves on to James Maker introduced into the band by Morrissey to wear high heels and I guess promote on stage, the gay image the band had adopted. Except he didn't wear high heels and was only on stage one night. Nolan's programme states the reason he never became a permanent fixture was Morrissey's ego.

By now, clearly this is going to be no better than The South bank show. The anti-Morrissey spin is not hidden but forced into your face. John Peel says, "Fame is a bastard because it messes people up." What is said before of after is unknown. It was just a good sound bite to lead to the contracts issue, signed by Morrissey and Marr only and therefore The Smiths were only ever Morrissey and Marr as far as the law is concerned but Joyce and Rouke were not hired hands. Were they? They had played on all the tracks and all the concerts (Well nearly but we wont go there) and believed that they were equal members in every right. Throughout the programme not all the information is given. While two of them are working their tits off arranging concerts, promoting the records, getting interviewed, writing the songs, etc. The other two are getting pissed, drugged and f***ed but if things like that are put into the programme then we can't spin that Morrissey is a nasty piece of work short changing the rhythm section ! who rightly deserved 25%. I think they were great. I also think they were short changed but due an equal share to Morrissey and Marr, I think not.

Of all the things that could be discussed on a short documentary of The Smiths, the next crucial segment talks about how no less than three Smiths songs could be looked upon as to condone child molesting. It was a pile of pish then and pile of pish now and well they know it. By now, I have lost interest but can't quite change the channel. I have still to suffer Grant Showbiz going on about Morrissey's requirement for a small tree on the rider of Meat is murder and how it would have been fun if Morrissey had asked for a green dwarf. He didn't of course but Grant must have an axe to grind. If he hasn't why did he lie about Marr not jumping ship but that he was just going on holiday to LA. Is that what he told the other band members before heading to the States? Enter Craig Gannon. Remember he joined to cover due to Rouke's Heroin addiction problems but that is skipped past. It won't help the case for 'He should have been paid 25%.' Gannon then describes a frosty atmosphere with the band, detailing an incid! ent when he was rushed out of a service station before finishing eating and that he therefore brought a sandwich onto the bus, much to the disgust of Marr. Stephen Street highlighted that Marr needed Freidman but that he was an issue to Morrissey. Is the programme going to improve? No. We are told how poverty forces Rouke to settle out of court to to personal circumstances, leaving Joyce to 'fight' Morrissey and Marr in the high court. The cowboy music all adds to the feel and I am losing the will to life by now.

Soon we will hear how the individual members has progressed since The Smiths split. Eh, they haven't done much except Morrissey. We get the details of every move the other three have taken and move straight to October 2002 for Morrissey for a final boot. A couple of snippets of people being interviewed outside of The Royal Albert Hall but carefully screened to prevent much positive being expressed about Morrissey. I remember the line, "It wasn't The Smiths." Duh! That's right! It was Morrissey and his band. The programme ends with a cartoon of Morrissey by a pool in LA because he rarely gives interviews. No wonder! The British media are a collection of brainless whores with their hands tied behind their backs until the day they die. Will a worthwhile documentary ever be made about The Smiths? I hope so but I doubt it could ever be made in the UK.

The Scottish dog guy aka Morrissey the 23rd"
This is the text of a response by Morrissey the 23rd to the
Smiths/Morrissey documentary shown on the good ole British telly last
night. He has asked me to post it for him, I have obliged. [Momus]

except the first paragraph should have read...

David Nolan. Who the hell is he? Looks like he will be remembered the same way we remember twats like Rogan. Should a new fatwa be announced?

The Scottish dog guy aka Morrissey the 23rd

Thanks Momus. My Spectrum 48k found it too difficult.

Re: Was there lots about Andy Rourke in the documentory?

If there was lots of interviews and fotage of Andy Rourke and information about what Andy has done since the split of The Smiths then I am going to buy the documentory on video I hope. I think it is clear that Andy Rourke was the true genious in The Smiths but Andy was treated so badly because he had no ego, Andy Rourke has had to suffer so much it is a most upsetting thing.It was all proved when Rourkey was sacked and Craig Gannon bloke came in, Craig couldn't cut it was no way near as hard working as Mr. Rourke was and what is more Craig was a rhthym guitarist not a bass player like Andy, it was all so silly and proved how much they needed Andy to be sucessful. They were all putting Andy Rourke down because he was the youngest member of The Smiths and had no ego so they thought they could get away with it. Johnny Marr knew what a vitol roll Andy played and that is why Marr payed up. Rourke has played guitars for a longer time than Marr has even though Andy is younger than Marr and Andy had to teach Marr about the guitar and to tell him about music that Marr had never heard. I think Andy should get loads more money for what he has had to put up with. Andy is so nice and a sweet person that he would never do anything about it and Andy only cares about the music. Andy Rourke will get the credit he diserves one day.
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