Laura, if you're going to be a grammar critic...


The Critic

Get your grammar in order first. You are far from perfect, Miss Thing! Let's examine one of your recent, rather lengthy ramblings:

"I lose my train of thought ALL the time, but from the original inane comments about the person who speaks (apparently) for a whole nation to YOUR response to it, I went from wanting to respond, to reading the rest of the posts in response to it, and feel that you have placed in good words what I would have said anyway- lengthy or not.

I am an American, of course, as most know. I watched the same tragedy unfold as did most of the rest of the world. Because it was in my own homeland did NOT change the fact that the first thing I did was pray for the people who caused it, pray for those lost, and pray for those who are personally involved in the losses of their loved ones. This came to my attention a bit differently than the sad bombings that take place in other countries and nations, as my brother-in-law was lost on an airplane at the time, but all the same when THOSE things are on my television screen, or on the front internet page, or in my newspaper stories, the FIRST thing I do is say a prayer. I turn to my faith- as YOUR people ("No One", that is) say they do in this horrible justification- in explaining why they did such a thing to the US.

This is small potatoes compared to what you are going through, "No One", I realize. There is NOTHING I can say or do here to try to help you understand that not everyone feels that what is going on is good. However, I do not think that after being so openly attacked in such a viscious way that we, as whatever kind of "bad" place you think we live in and function from, are ALL responsible for the way the United States acts and reacts to everything. We live under a government that you have NO idea how it functions (clearly) and basically have the right to think and feel and even SAY what we wish, but have to agree to live in a country that takes the MAJORITY of the vote towards the actions it takes. This does NOT mean we all think the way the government does. I hope that you can understand what I am saying, even in the slightest way.

If we don't agree with our country, we have the right to move to another and ex-communicate ourselves in a certain way. I don't know all the specifics, but I know that is an option that we as Americans have. Go figure. This is all the result of living somewhere that allows very much freedom of almost everything, but we do not accept beatings, nor killing a woman for the way she is dressed. We do not accept leaving a woman to starve because whe has no family of men to take care of her or her children and isn't allowed to work for her own living. We are a nation that supports and protects one another and feels compassion for a great many peoples, and you are belittling that because of a narrow view you have been fed by YOUR peoples and their jaded thoughts of the way the rest of the world lives. This is sad and I send many thoughts in prayer that this is something that maybe can change in the future. However I am just one small person.


Ok, now for mistakes:

1) there should be a 'comma' after 'unfold'
2) vicious is spelled wrong. It's vicious, not viscious, duh!
3) 'nor' should be 'or'
4) what does 'because whe' mean?

Little Miss Perfect stumbles yet again. Oh, the irony!
Where did I post "Little Miss Perfect" after - or before, for that matter!- any of my ramblings?

> Ok, now for mistakes:

> 1) there should be a 'comma' after 'unfold'
> 2) vicious is spelled wrong. It's vicious, not viscious, duh!
> 3) 'nor' should be 'or'
> 4) what does 'because whe' mean?

> Little Miss Perfect stumbles yet again. Oh, the irony!

Is that ALL you could find in what I posted? PULEEZE!

Yeah, if you LOOK up the word "viscious", it is spelled one way in ONE dictionary, and it is spell checked and corrected in my Word system. OOPS! So, call Webster's.

I meant the sentence with "unfold" in it to run on, NOT be stopped by a comma. If you read it with a comma, then you would see that there should be MORE of a sentence, which my sentence doesn't have. My sentence would be an incomplete one with a comma after "unfold."

Same thing as above with the "nor/or" example. DUH.

Dear LORD, if in that whole post the ONLY typo I experienced was one little "whe" in place of "she", then just try and kick me outta here, bucko!

Go pick on someone your own size, you lamentable mass of fly ridden Taco Bell left overs.

Sheesh. I am in a HORRIBLE mood people. DON'T underestimate my availability to freak out on some of your a*ses here. Believe me, it just might happen to you! I hope I wake up tomorrow in one of my "I love everybody and everybody is a saint to me no matter what" days, but I MIGHT wake up in an even WORSE mood than I've been in as of late. Hence, I will get ridiculous on your butt if you don't watch it!

Re: No one cares about you, leave the building, leave!!!!
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