Isn't it ironic? (MOZ CONTENT)


Reggie Peppa

If you ever travel on public transport then you will eventually find that most greedy of creatures, the seat hog. The seat hog sits at the window and takes up a seat and a half - deliberatley I add so they can read their paper, leaving you to sit with one cheek on the seat and one sticking out in the aisle.
Oh you can jostle and joust but the seat hog knows they have the upper hand because they use the window and wall for leverage.

What can you do about you all shout? I'll tell you what you can do - Buy the cheapest headphones you can - None are too cheap and nasty for this task, because you want Chinas cheapest headphones which leak more noise outward than they funnel down your ear, Then choose "Noise is the Best Revenge" (oh the Irony) and pump it out full volume, sure its uncomfortable but so is hanging on with one butt cheek to your seat whilst going round a corner! Watch the seat hogs face as their little plan of a relaxing journey reading the paper is ruined by the atrocious noise leakage.

So there you go, Noise is indeed the best revenge.

P.s. whilst I'm still at it does anyone else suffer from the problem I have dubbed "The Matrix", you know the guy with the big long black leather coat and boots. No matter what time I get the bus in the morning I always seem to stand next to the Matrix? is it just me?

> If you ever travel on public transport then you will eventually find that
> most greedy of creatures, the seat hog. The seat hog sits at the window
> and takes up a seat and a half - deliberatley I add so they can read their
> paper, leaving you to sit with one cheek on the seat and one sticking out
> in the aisle.
> Oh you can jostle and joust but the seat hog knows they have the upper
> hand because they use the window and wall for leverage.

wow, they leave you with half a seat? i've had bus rides where i've had to stand up the entire way to downtown because someone decided that their book bag needed a seat of it's own. you can be standing right in front of them and swaying around when the bus flies around the corner, but they've got their head very deliberately buried in a book so they won't see you.

then again, i also had another bus ride where some guy's ass kept touching up against mine, so i would scoot over and his would creep over and fill up the space again...and i did this about 3 times and he wasn't a big guy so there was no excuse that he needed more than his allotted share.
I ALWAYS have to sit next to the only smelly junkie on the bus.
oh you've met Regggeee then? heehee

> I ALWAYS have to sit next to the only smelly junkie on the bus.
> Then choose "Noise is the
> Best Revenge" (oh the Irony) and pump it out full volume, sure its
> uncomfortable

May I suggest the use of earplugs for this task. No sense to damage your own ears. You'll still hear the song but at a better volume level.
That was Rude and Untrue!!!

I'm the smelly drunk not the smelly junkie!!!




"There is no other way"
Call me morbid, call me pale...

Half a seat is better than no seat I suppose, see their is always someone worse off than you! I need to count my blessings!

A lateral thinker!


Nice solution. I wish there were some people around here that dressed like Neo.

The only time anybody dresses outside of the mold in my city, is on Halloween.
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