I need to say I'm sorry:



When I wrote about my having an obsessive letter writing campaign going with Morrissey (many of you didn't read about that, I am sure...it's below under "Yes, my name is Laura") and I mentioned Mimi and Greasetea.

I re-read it and realize that the way it came out made it seem like Mimi and Greasetea were rude to me. They weren't. They were very kind, having come to where I was from VERY long distances, and dealt with a very screwy girl.

They were only here a few days before they met up with David, who offered them obviously better digs than what I was offering (and I am NOT saying that sarcastically, I mean that honestly), and went and spent the rest of their short trip with him. I felt a bit badly as my feelings had been hurt. I had planned the time to have with them, and then was (understandably after I learn of what was said about me) left behind. I blame no one. I just don't like David, is all. I don't think that is a crime, do you? And I have never said anything negative about David here. I may have alluded to him not being the perfect angel you all think of him as, but that's all.

I understand that things were being said about me that weren't true, but I don't exactly know how. I apparently was (am?) known as "The Morrissey Stalker" of Los Angeles. Ok. I was acting oddly and made them be uncomfortable around me. Ok. It turned into a thought that maybe I had invited them to stay with me just to "get back" into the good graces with David. Ok.

Whatever the case, so be it. I am done with this, as I have explained several times. All I would LOVE to know is how harrassment through letter writing can be construed as stalking. Clearly there are untruths being told as far as the "story of Laura" goes, and I am uncomfortable with this kind of attention-- especially it being negative and wrong. Yes, I admit I wrote letters. LOTS of letters. Many of the times delivering them by leaving them on his windshield. I pulled up, put my car in park (while leaving it running), put my note on his car, and drove away. It is a difficult street to navigate with a large car, such as I have. I parked there twice because of the proximity of his street to a certain area. I NEVER sat outside his house. I NEVER called his name. I NEVER even MET the man or anything outside of his home. I saw him once when he was driving down and I was driving up. That was that.

What I said in my thread is all true. If anyone has heard anything else, then believe what you will. I helped many people get their gifts to Morrissey through my knowledge of having his addy. I never held anyone's gifts back and never TOLD anyone I would give them his addy and then change my mind. I had no reason to.

I am done for now. My email is above, feel free to leave it or flood it. Fine by me. I have this handy little thing called a delete button...quite the filter of crap!

Take care all. I wish you all well. Even you nasty, rude mean spirited kids who think its funny to say things and get a reaction. One day maybe you will all look back and laugh at yourselves. I know I do all the time. (blushing too...) But the important thing is that you LOOK BACK. Don't dwell on this present time as if it were the only thing that you will ever have, ever experience. Don't think of it as the most important thing in your life. It may be now, but it won't be eventually.


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