I KNOW this is blasphemous, but...

Re: Are you implying something?

alright, alright, bad example. truth be told, i can't really think of anyone who's been that ambiguous. noel coward? no. only his inner circle knew he was gay, and after a while everyone just caught on. cary grant? no. too much of a he-man. bowie comes closest.
Re: Are you implying something?

> alright, alright, bad example. truth be told, i can't really think of
> anyone who's been that ambiguous. noel coward? no. only his inner circle
> knew he was gay, and after a while everyone just caught on. cary grant?
> no. too much of a he-man. bowie comes closest.

yeah but no but right what it was see was that everyone says david bowie is a queer right but that aint right coz he snogged a friend of michaela's cousins and she's pregnant so she ain't no lezzie and dont listen to what that iggy pop says cos he wee'd in the pool.
Good to hear from you, my dear.

Please accept my best wishes and support
for you and your family during what must
be a very difficult time.

I enjoy the occasional hen parties on here
and your comments are most welcomed
and refreshing. Come on whenever you could
and maybe us other old hens can give your
spirits a lift when you most need it.

> Mozmic, I couldn't have said it better myself! Good one
> Good to hear from you, my dear.

> Please accept my best wishes and support
> for you and your family during what must
> be a very difficult time.

> I enjoy the occasional hen parties on here
> and your comments are most welcomed
> and refreshing. Come on whenever you could
> and maybe us other old hens can give your
> spirits a lift when you most need it.
Mozmic, well I appreciate your comments. Thanks for the best wishes about my family at this time. It's not been an easy time, but I am glad he's in the hospital anyway. Thanks, I appreciate a good chat with good people. *HUGS*

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