How does Morrissey put on weight so well?


New Member
i am underweight and my doctor often tells me to eat more meat to keep my iron levels up and try to put a bit of weight onto my slight frame. but when he says i should eat more meat i feel like spitting in his eye, because eating meat is wrong.

Morrissey is a vegan isn't he? i'm not sure but i don't think he likes to eat meat. so how come he is able to fill out so well and i am left skinny and frail?

what kind of foods does he eat which make him look so healthy and full of life? can you suggest any cooking tips for me?
Morrissey is vegetarian and a self-confessed cheese-aholic. He was sighted only the other day eating a margherita pizza.
he very likely works out--look at the shoulders and the firm area around the upper chest area
so --certain sports to get muscles will be good for you then?
as for food .
for example this sites

tipps how to get substitite that meat and fish eaters get( protein etc)
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Moz was skinny and frail well into his 30s - he never put on weight despite living on cake, chocolate and chips during the Smiths years. As he got older he simply broadened out - got stronger, stockier. I imagine his diet is a lot better now than it was then, but it doesn't seem wildly indulgent. His tour rider from Israel a few years ago consisted mainly of milk, tea, several varieties of steamed veg and some beer. He started working out/lifting weights etc in the early 90s as well, although I doubt he still does. Basically, I think most of his weight gain is related to age. Don't worry about it!
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